Domain search
Domain registrations from $23.95
$14.95 /1yr°
Why should you use a domain name? Benefits include:

Why should you use a domain name? Benefits include:

  • Memorable: This is a domain name specially dedicated to Australian associations. Therefore, it is a great way to make it known that your website is a charity, foundation or other non-profit association.
  • Localised name: This domain name makes it obvious that you are operating an association within Australia. Therefore, it can be one of the best ways to raise online awareness for your association. If you are looking to spread your message and gain plenty of support then this can be the best way to do it.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you run an association operating within Australia then of course you can! Simply consult with our web experts regarding your association’s ability to successfully utilise your domain using this extension.

Requirements include:

  • Being a charity, foundation or other association in an Australian state or territory;
  • Being an Australian Electoral Commision-registered political party;
  • Being a special interest or sporting club registered within Australia;
  • Being a non-profit organisation within Australia.

Simply contact our experts if you have any doubts about your organisation being allowed a domain name!

Of course you can. Webcentral exists to make transferring your pre-existing domain name easy. We provide a simple three-step solution that doesn’t cost anything to perform.

Absolutely. Webcentral are web development specialists. We have built hundreds of association websites across numerous CMS platforms. All you have to do is chat with our web development experts about how you would like your website to look. We will then go to work on ensuring you receive a stunning website that appeals to your target audience.

No – it costs the same to host a website as it does any other domain extension.

It’s simple to know whether your prospective domain name is taken – simply enter the name into the online registrar and it will tell you. As this extension is more uncommon it will be highly likely that your domain hasn’t already been taken.

So, are you ready to drive awesome conversions with Webcentral’s registration, search and hosting?

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° Price varies depending on period and domain name.