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Domain registrations from $
$23.95 /1yr°
Cement your online business presence with a .biz domain name. Benefits Include:

Cement your online business presence with a .biz domain name. Benefits Include:

  • SEO: Google recognises .biz domain names on the same tier as the likes of .com or domain names. Therefore, if you have high quality content on a fully-functioning website then you expect to see some powerful results in the search engine rankings.
  • Memorable: A .biz domain name is instantly recognisable and memorable. Customers will remember that you have a unique URL as .biz differs from more generic domain names. This instant recognition can help increase your search engine results and attract more customers.
  • Cheaper: Using a .biz domain name is cheaper than using more stock-standard domain names.

Frequently Asked Questions

If you run a commercial business or organisation then yes! You can register a .biz domain name. What’s more, there are hardly any restrictions regarding who can register the name, only those pertaining to the name you choose and its lettering.

Yes, you can. It’s super simple to transfer your pre-existing .biz domain name to Webcentral’s hosting network. We help you get there in three simple steps. What’s more, it costs absolutely nothing to transfer to our domain – it’s all that easy!

Of course. Webcentral are Australian web development pioneers, having built thousands of websites across numerous CMS platforms. Whatever your business: clothing, food, office supplies – we can build a website that attracts your audience and drives conversions.

No. All of Webcentral’s pricing structures and packages cost the same regardless of the extension you choose for your business.

It’s an absolute breeze to see if your prospective .biz domain name is available. All you have to do is enter the domain name in the online registrar. it will tell you if someone has already taken the name and provide viable alternatives if it is already taken. It will also tell you how much it costs to use that domain name each year.

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° Price varies depending on period and domain name.