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Domain registrations from $
$42.25 /1yr°
The awesome benefits of a .education domain name include:

The awesome benefits of a .education domain name include:

  • Memorable: This extension regards exactly what your program is – educational! Therefore, it is an absolute breeze for people to remember, making it easy to direct users to your website.
  • SEO-friendly: The .education domain name is beneficial for SEO purposes as it tells search trawlers that educational content can be found on your website.
  • Availability: This domain name has a higher rate of availability as it is a newer extension that differs from the older .edu extension. This means you should have absolutely no trouble getting your chosen domain!

Frequently Asked Questions

Despite being designed for education, absolutely anybody can register this domain name! Although, we certainly don’t recommend it if your website isn’t related to education, as this is misleading and, consequently, bad for SEO. All you have to ensure is that it meets online naming requirements and you are set.

It’s simple, really! Webcentral makes transferring your pre-existing .education domain name a breeze. We provide a simple three-step process that costs absolutely nothing to perform. Before you know it, your website will be a part of our first class hosting network.

We most certainly can. Webcentral is a comprehensive digital marketing firm, providing first class web development as well hosting. We have built numerous educational websites across multiple CMS platforms. Simply consult with our web dev experts and they will go to work on creating a fantastic website for your program.

Of course not! The .education domain name costs the same amount to host as any other found in our network.

Being a TLD newcomer, we don’t think you will have any trouble receiving your domain name. All you have to do is enter your prospective name in the online registrar and it will tell you if it is available. If not, it will also provide suitable alternatives that could also work in your favour.

So, if you’re ready for top-tier .education hosting with Webcentral, simply call our experts today and we will handle the rest!

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° Price varies depending on period and domain name.