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$54.25 /1yr°
The benefits of using a .foundation domain name:

The benefits of using a .foundation domain name:

There are myriad benefits to enlisting a .foundation domain name for your charity, not-for-profit, philanthropy work or other altruistic endeavour:

  • Memorable: Using a .foundation domain name is perfect for branding as it makes it clear what kind of organisation you operate. Internet users will immediately know that they are heading to a foundational website and this is important for driving traffic and conversions.
  • Presence: The .foundation domain name provides your organisation with a specialised online presence. It makes your intentions clear and can help solidify your organisation as one that has an altruistic goal.
  • SEO-friendly: The .foundation domain name can help with your SEO as it will be easy for users to remember your domain name. The easier it is to reach your website the better it is for your SEO. Therefore, having a clear and concise extension with the memorable .foundation extension is perfect for search engine rankings.

Frequently Asked Questions

This domain name is obviously ideal for charitable organisations, not-for-profits, philanthropists and related fields. However, there are absolutely no restrictions on who can use the .foundation domain name. All you have to do ensure is that it meets online naming standards pertaining to characters and letters used.

If you have a pre-existing .foundation domain name that you would like to transfer to our network then you can do it with absolute ease. Webcentral will provide you with a simple three-step process that costs nothing to quickly transfer your extension to our hosting network.

You know it. Webcentral is a leading web development agency who has built websites for foundations across the world. Therefore, all you have to do is consult with our experts on how you would like your website to look. They will then create something that you can be truly proud to call your own!

Absolutely not. It costs the same to host a .foundation domain name than it does any other domain name in our network.

It is simple to find out if your prospective domain name is available. All you have to do is consult the online registrar with your prospective domain name. It will tell you if your prospective domain name is available and provide alternatives if not.

Simply contact our experts to register your .foundation domain name with us – we’ll take care of the hard work!

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° Price varies depending on period and domain name.