Domain search
Domain registrations from $23.95
$14.95 /1yr°
Expand your personal branding with a domain name. Benefits Include:

Expand your personal branding with a domain name. Benefits Include:

  • Personal branding: Internet users visiting your website will immediately know that the website is about you. This is because you will have your own personal name (or nickname) alongside the URL (id being short for “individual”).
  • Cheaper: Using this domain name is much cheaper than registering more common domain names like

Frequently Asked Questions

Australian individuals and residents can use this domain name if it is not being used for commercial or community representative purposes. Restrictions include:

  • You must be an Australian citizen or resident;
  • The domain name must match your actual name, an abbreviation or acronym of your name;
  • It can also be a nickname;
  • It cannot be used for commercial purposes or represent a community group.

Absolutely not! All you have to do is contact the Webcentral experts. We make transferring your domain name easy. It contains three simple steps and costs nothing to perform.

You can be sure that we do. Webcentral are the web development experts, producing thousands of websites across multiple CMS platforms. All you have to do is consult with our professionals and they will produce an amazing website that is perfect for your personal brand.

Absolutely not. All Webcentral pricing structures and packages cost the same.

You can easily check if your name is available through the online registrar. If not, you may have to consider making an abbreviation, acronym or using a nickname to successfully register the URL.

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° Price varies depending on period and domain name.