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Domain registrations from $
$144.25 /1yr°
The fantastic benefits of a .investment domain name include:

The fantastic benefits of a .investment domain name include:

  • Prowess: The .investments domain name shows that you mean business in the financial arena. It shows your clients and prospects that this is your game and you are the expert at it. This looks good for any existing and potential clients who want to trust that finance is your forte and that you are serious about their success.
  • SEO-friendly: A .investments domain name is SEO-friendly because your prospects will have no trouble remembering and searching this extension. It is unique and pertains to exactly what you do – finances. Therefore, this domain name will help you drive more traffic and this is great for your search engine ranking. What’s more, search engines will have no trouble indexing the content on your website because there is a direct link between your extension and site content.
  • Availability: This is a relatively new domain extension. Therefore, we don’t see you have any trouble securing this sleek and stylish domain name for your firm.

Frequently Asked Questions

The .investments domain name is obviously ideal for brokers, financial advisors, investment firms, wealth management services and related fields. But this doesn’t mean you can’t register a business under a different category. However, we don’t recommend registering this domain name if your website falls outside of this category, as it could mislead people looking for financial services who will immediately bounce from your website!

Transferring your pre-existing .investments domain name is simple with Webcentral. Simply contact us and we will provide you with a free three-step process that takes absolutely no time to complete.

Of course we can. Webcentral has built numerous financial websites for firms across the world. We will do the same for your website with skill, creativity and efficiency. Simply consult with our web developers to make this happen.

Absolutely not. Webcentral provides the same pricing packages regardless of your chosen domain extension.

This is a relatively new domain extension and we think you should have no trouble securing your extension. But it’s easy to check, as you just have to enter your desired .investments extension into the online registrar and it will tell you if it’s available. If not, it will provide a list of viable alternatives that could be even more beneficial to your business.

So, feel free to get in contact with the Webcentral experts to take your financial site hosting to new heights of success!

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° Price varies depending on period and domain name.