Domain search
Domain registrations from $44.95
$26.97 /1yr°
The fantastic benefits of a domain name include:

The fantastic benefits of a domain name include:

  • Credibility: Websites with a .net extension are viewed as more credible due to the extension’s longevity. Alongside .com, the .net extension is viewed as the most credible on the Internet, ensuring your prospects will trust your website from the start.
  • Memorable: Who doesn’t remember a .net extension? Alongside .com, it’s easily the most memorable extension, having featured in a large percentage of Internet domain names. Your prospects will hear the domain name and easily remember to use it when searching for your website.
  • Protection: Using a .net domain name will protect it from nefarious characters trying to use your company name for fraud. Plus, the added credibility ensures your prospects can trust that this is, of course, your website.
  • SEO: Your prospects will find your website without any problem. Thankfully, this helps drive web traffic. The more web traffic you receive the better your SEO ranking will be. Therefore, this is perfect for boosting your website’s SEO ranking.
  • Local traffic: If you are looking to drive conversions across New Zealand then using a .nz country code is perfect. It shows prospects that you are operating in the country and can provide a localised, highly-efficient service.

Frequently Asked Questions

The domain name is obviously ideal for operations based in New Zealand. However, New Zealand doesn’t place any restrictions on who can use the country code. This being said, we don’t necessarily recommend using this country code if you are based outside of New Zealand as this can be misleading to potential clients or customers.

It couldn’t be easier to transfer your pre-existing extension to Webcentral’s network. All you have to do is contact our team and we will provide you with a free three-step solution for you to quickly join our network.

You know it. Webcentral is Australia’s preeminent comprehensive digital marketing agency. This means we have built world class websites for thousands of companies across numerous CMS platforms. Simply consult our talented web developers to discuss how they can create your perfect website.

Absolutely not. It costs the exact same to host a domain name as it does any other in our hosting network.

It’s super easy to find out. All you have to do is enter your prospective extension in the online registrar and it will tell you if the domain name is available. If not, it will offer you with a range of suitable alternatives that can also benefit your operation.

So, if you are ready to take your hosting to the next level, simply contact our experts today!

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° Price varies depending on period and domain name.