Domain search
Domain registrations from $44.95
$26.97 /1yr°
The benefits of using a domain name include:

The benefits of using a domain name include:

  • Memorable: One of the best ways to make your organisation memorable is through using a .org domain name. It tells users that you are an NGO, open-source project, charitable group or other organisation. This is great for receiving web traffic and driving conversions.
  • Local awareness: Organisations can alway benefit from using country codes as it makes users aware that you are operating within New Zealand. This is important for building trust and growing awareness about your mission in the country.
  • Availability: This is a relatively new domain name and a unique one at that. We can’t see you having any difficulty choosing your unique domain name!

Frequently Asked Questions

Absolutely anyone can register this domain name despite it having the New Zealand country code. However, we do recommend that your organisation is actually New Zealand-based as users might find it untrustworthy if they learn you are operating outside of the country. Not only is this bad for SEO but it is bad for business in general!

Absolutely not. Webcentral makes transferring pre-existing domain names an absolute breeze. We provide a simple three-step solution that costs absolutely nothing and will transfer your extension with ease.

You bet! Webcentral is one of Australia’s pioneering web development agencies. We have built hundreds of organisation websites across numerous CMS platforms. All you have to do is consult our professionals and we will create a website that engages users and drives conversions.

It is not. Hosting a extension costs the exact same as any other extension in our hosting network.

It couldn’t be easier to find out. All you have to do is enter your domain name in the registrar and it will immediately tell you if it’s available. If not, it will also provide a list of prospective alternatives. As aforementioned, this is a relatively new domain name, and we don’t think you will have any problems acquiring yours!

So, if you’re ready for world class hosting with your domain name, simply get in contact with the Webcentral experts today.

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° Price varies depending on period and domain name.