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Domain registrations from $
$54.25 /1yr°
The benefits of a .place domain name Include:

The benefits of a .place domain name Include:

  • Community: The .place extension has a sense of community that will give your website credibility. It has a welcoming aesthetic that will make potential customers truth your brand and your offering.
  • Memorable: If you are trying to create a sense of “place” then this extension is perfect. It is highly memorable and directs your prospects to somewhere that good things are happening. Whether you are an airline, travel agency, restaurant or pub, the .place domain name is perfect for bringing the vibe.
  • SEO-friendly: Given that this extension is so memorable your guests should have no problem finding the site. And, the more traffic your website receives, the more likely it is that your website will rise in the Google rankings. As such, this can be a very handy extension for websites looking to gain rankings through its domain name.

Frequently Asked Questions

The .place domain name is ideal for any business operating in travel or hospitality. However, there are absolutely no limitations on who can enlist this domain name. Your domain name simply has to abide by online naming standards (regarding characters and letters) and you will be free to use it as you please.

It has never been easier to transfer your pre-existing .place domain name with Webcentral. All you have to do is contact us and we will provide you with a free three-step process that takes no time to complete.

That’s our specialty. Webcentral is an Australian web dev pioneer, having built thousands of stunning websites over numerous CMS platforms. Consult our talented web developers about how we can build a fantastic website for you and your customers to love visiting.

No – it costs the exact same amount to host a .place domain name website as it does any other website.

This is a more recent domain name with a high availability rate. Therefore, we don’t think you’ll have any trouble acquiring your chosen domain name. But it is easy to check – all you have to do is enter your ideal name in the online registrar and will tell you if the domain name is available. If not, it will provide you with handy alternatives you may even prefer to the original!

So, contact the Webcentral experts if you’re ready to take your hosting to the next level.

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° Price varies depending on period and domain name.