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Domain registrations from $
$103.25 /1yr°
Why you should use a .tech extension:

Why you should use a .tech extension:

  • Memorable: Your industry-specific .tech domain name will be incredibly memorable to prospective clients. This is because they will know they are heading to your website for tech-related matters! This makes the name easy to remember and great for conversions.
  • SEO-friendly: This name is great for SEO for two reasons. First, this memorable name will make it easy to direct traffic to your website. The more traffic you receive the higher your website will rank – simple! Next, it is easy for Google and other search engines to know exactly what you are offering with an industry-specific domain name, and this can also have a positive impact on your SEO.
  • Trust: Having an industry-specific name like .tech shows that you are dedicated to your field and can provide an efficient tech service. This makes your branding far more trustworthy and this is fantastic for conversions.

Frequently Asked Questions

The .tech domain name is obviously geared towards tech-related companies like IT consultancy and software design. However, there are no limitations on who can enlist the name – it just has to adhere to online naming standards. However, we do recommend that your operation is actually tech-related as this can mislead your target audience.

Webcentral makes it a breeze to transfer your pre-existing .tech domain name. Simply contact us and we will provide you with a simple three-step process to join our network. What’s even better? It’s free of charge.

Absolutely. Webcentral has long been at the forefront of the Australian web development industry. We have created thousands of stunning websites across numerous CMS platforms and will happily do the same for you.

Absolutely not. It costs the same amount to host a .tech website with us as it does any other domain name website.

It’s so easy to find out. All you have to do is enter your prospective name in the online registrar and it will tell you if your .tech extension is available or not. If it is already taken they will provide you with some awesome alternatives that you may even prefer to your original idea.

Feel free to get in contact with the Webcentral professionals to take your hosting to new heights of success!

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° Price varies depending on period and domain name.