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Domain registrations from $
$55.25 /1yr°
The fantastic benefits of a  .wiki domain name include:

The fantastic benefits of a .wiki domain name include:

  • Site-specific: Your users will know exactly what extension to use when searching your website. This makes the .wiki domain name perfect for driving web traffic, something which is imperative to climbing the search engine rankings.
  • Memorable: This is an easily memorable extension for users who want to search a wiki-related website. This will make it much easier for users to find your website each time they require some of the information you have to offer!
  • Availability: The .wiki domain name was only launched in 2014. This means it has a high availability rate and you should have no trouble securing your desired domain extension.

Frequently Asked Questions

The .wiki domain name is ideal for websites offering information with user collaboration. However, there are no restrictions on who can utilise the .wiki domain name – it simply has to abide by Internet naming requirements. This being said, we only recommend using the .wiki domain name if you intend to provide collaborative information as this could mislead your audience.

Transferring your pre-existing .wiki domain name is easy with Webcentral. All you have to do is contact us and we will provide you with a free, three-step solution to make it happen in no time!

You know it. The Webcentral web dev professionals have built thousands of successful websites across numerous CMS platforms. Simply consult with our experts and we will create an awesome .wiki website that is a hit with your users.

No it is not. It costs the exact same to host a website for a .wiki name with our network than it does any other extension.

Given that the .wiki domain name was only launched in 2014 we think your extension should be available. But it never hurts to check. All you have to do is enter your desired .wiki domain name in the online registrar and it will tell you if the domain is available. If not, it will provide you with a list of alternative .wiki extensions that you might like to use instead.

So, contact our experts if you’re ready to optimise your hosting like never before!

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° Price varies depending on period and domain name.