
  1. The Terms of your Contract
  2. Supply of Services
  3. Provision of Secure Access to Netregistry Systems
  4. Your Obligations
  5. Fees and Payment
  6. Free Trial Periods and Promotions
  7. Termination
  8. Warranties
  9. Liability
  10. General

General Terms & Conditions

Last Updated: 03 October 2024

1. The Terms of your Contract

1.1 These General Terms & Conditions (Terms) apply to the provision of services by Netregistry Pty Ltd (ABN 13 080 859 721) (Netregistry, we, us, our), a Webcentral Limited ABN 21 073 716 793 company, to you as a user and customer of our services (you, your).

1.2 Your Contract with us for each Service is made up of:

  1. These General Terms & Conditions;
  2. Any relevant Service Terms;
  3. Our Acceptable Use Policy; and
  4. Our Privacy Policy.

1.3 The documents listed above supersede all prior arrangements (whether written or oral) in relation to their subject matter.

1.4 We may change the terms of your Contract by giving you notice of the change and posting new versions of any online terms on this page. If you continue to use the Service after that notice period, you will be taken to have agreed to the change. The period of notice depends on the nature of the change. If:

  1. the change will benefit you or have a neutral impact on you, or is required to preserve or safeguard the security or integrity of our system, we may make the change effective immediately and without advance notice;
  2. for all other changes, including the change that is required to comply with any law or requirement of any regulatory body (including ICANN, auDA or any other domain name regulatory body), we will provide a reasonable period of notice;

2. Supply of Services

2.1 We shall use reasonable endeavours to supply the Services in accordance with your Contract until the Service is terminated. We shall not be liable for any delay or failure to perform our obligations under this Contract if such delay or failure is due to termination of access to a Service by the end supplier of the Service or as a result of a change to the conditions of supply by that supplier.

2.2 Monthly contracts will roll on a monthly basis without notice to you. Unless the Service Terms state otherwise, fixed term contract Services (other than a month-to-month contract) will automatically roll over for a further fixed term of the same length on the date notified to you by our reminder notice. If a fixed term contract is not renewed for a further fixed term, it will roll over on a monthly basis.

2.3 If your fixed term contract Service is to be auto-renewed, we will notify you of, and provide you the ability to cancel the impending auto-renewal. You must advise us prior to the auto-renewal date if you wish to cancel the Service. If we do not receive your cancellation or “do not renew” advice in time, we will auto-renew the Service to ensure it continues uninterrupted.

2.4 Nothing in the Contract transfers to either party any intellectual property rights (“IPR”) owned by the other party existing prior to the commencement of the Services. All IPR in the materials produced by us in connection with the Services (including websites, designs, information, reports and data) other than your pre-existing IPR, are and will remain owned by us. We grant you a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, royalty-free licence to use those materials for the purpose of using our Services only.

2.5 You acknowledge and accept that a third party supplier may be used to provide the Service to you and we may change this supplier at any time in our sole discretion. Should a change in supplier occur, you acknowledge and agree that we have full authorisation to move, alter or delete your data as reasonably necessary.

3. Provision of Secure Access to Our Systems

3.1 You must keep all login details to The Console secure and confidential at all times and must not disclose them to anyone else (except those of your employees who need to know them for the purposes of their employment).

3.2 You agree that you are totally responsible for all actions of the people (if any) to whom you provide your login details (whether knowingly or not, and whether directly or indirectly) while they obtain access to our systems using those login details, and that we are entitled to treat instructions provided by those people through such access as instructions originating from you.

3.3 You must notify us immediately of any breach of security or unauthorised use of your login details to access our systems. We will not be liable for any loss you incur due to any unauthorised use of your login details.

3.4 You consent to our use of your login details in provisioning the Services, including in respect of any migration or transition of your account, content or data (to or from any suppliers we use) as reasonably necessary for the continued provision of the Services.

4. Your Obligations

4.1 You must provide us with such co-operation and support as we may reasonably request to perform the Services, including by:

  1. Responding promptly to our communications in relation to the Services; and
  2. Providing accurate and prompt responses to our requests for any information or documentation reasonably required by us to perform the Services.

4.2 You are solely responsible for obtaining any and all necessary intellectual property rights clearances and/or other consents and authorisations, including without limitation, clearances and/or consents in respect of your proposed domain name, any materials given by you to us, any content that you upload to your Service, and merchant services agreements between you and the relevant financial institutions.

4.3 You indemnify us from and against any and all liabilities incurred by us in connection with our:

  1. Use or reliance upon any images or trading names, or any data, information, specifications, documentation, computer software or other materials provided by you; or
  2. Compliance with any directions or instructions by you in relation to the provision of the Services.

4.4 Except to the extent that we expressly agree to do so as part of a Service, you must conduct backups of any of your data (whether hosted on our computer systems or provided to us in connection with the performance of the Services at such intervals as are reasonable having regard to the nature of the data.

5. Fees and Payment

5.1 We reserve the right to alter the prices advertised on our website and fees at any time for reasons such as quality improvement, inflation adjustment, etc. We will provide written notice of these changes via email to the email address provided by you to us when registering your account. In most cases, changing the price on the website for new customers will not affect the price for existing customers. If your contract is for a fixed term, the price alteration will take effect at the end of the current term and at the time of renewal. You may choose to cancel the renewal. If you have a monthly contract with automatic renewals, the altered price applies to the first payment after 30 days from the date you received our notice.

5.2 You authorise us and provide consent to keep on file and automatically debit the credit card details associated with your account for all Services fees on issuance of a valid invoice (Consent Agreement). To minimise service disruption due to credit card expirations, you consent to our billing systems automatically attempting to update the expiry date of your credit card when necessary to process payments, however we do not guarantee this will be successful. We remind you that it is your responsibility to ensure your credit card details are kept up to date at all times. Changes to this Consent Agreement will be notified to you by changes to this terms and conditions web page. The expiration date of this Consent Agreement will be taken to be the expiry of any Services provided to you. The stored credential will only be used for payment for the Services.

5.3 Monthly, quarterly or bi-annual fees are not refundable if your Service is terminated part way through a payment period. Each time we charge a transaction, we will provide you with a receipt of the payment. We require 3 business days’ notice prior to your next billing date to avoid charging you at that next billing date. If you elect to cancel a payment method, we will then, subsequent to the expiry of the notice period, provide a cancellation or refund confirmation within 3 business days.

5.4 Without prejudice to our other rights and remedies under this agreement, if any Services fees are not paid on or before their due date, we reserve the right, immediately and at our sole discretion, to suspend the provision of Services to you until such payment is made (including any interest charged on overdue amounts, calculated at the daily rate of 12% per annum).

5.5 If we have taken action to recover overdue amounts from you, any reasonable costs incurred by us in recovering the debt, including but not limited to any legal expenses and collection agency charges, will be recoverable from you.

5.6 If a chargeback is incorrectly made against your account, we reserve the right to suspend and/or terminate your account until reimbursed and an administration fee will be charged.

5.7 Some customers nominate to transact with us by depositing funds into a prepaid credit account, which can then be used to pay for transactions within their account. In the event that there is an unused prepaid balance, the funds cannot be held indefinitely. Prepaid credit deposits will be forfeited if there is no activity on the account for a continuous 12 month period.

5.8 A number of our services, including our promotions, require verification of a valid credit card. In order to verify your credit card, an amount of $1 may be debited from your credit card. This amount will typically be credited back to your account within 7-14 business days, depending on the bank that issues the card.

6. Free Trial Periods and Promotions

6.1 Netregistry may offer free trial periods to Services from time to time. During a free trial period, you will not be required to pay any Services fees. Please note that your credit card may be charged a small nominal amount to verify your credit card but this verification charge will be refunded without you needing to take any further action. You may cancel your free trial subscription, to take effect at the end of the free trial period.

6.2 Netregistry may also offer other promotional discounts or benefits (Promotions).

6.3 We reserve the right to offer, withdraw, change, cancel or determine your eligibility for any free trial or Promotion in our discretion for the purposes of preventing abuse of the free trial or Promotion. Free trials and Promotions may be subject to terms and conditions which shall apply in addition to, and prevail to the extent of any inconsistency with, these Terms.

6.4 If you sign up to a free trial or a Promotion, and do not terminate your agreement within the duration of the free trial or Promotion, the contract may auto-renew with no further notice to you. If you do not cancel your free trial or Promotion, you will be charged the Services fees in accordance with the Service that you selected during your initial registration for the free trial or Promotion, starting from the first billing period after the free trial or Promotion ends.

6.5 .au Campaign June-October 2024: one year free .au domain with 3-Year purchase terms and conditions

7. Termination

7.1 Either party can terminate a Contract for convenience on 30 days notice, to take effect at the end of a fixed term, or if there is no fixed term, at the end of the 30 day notice period.

7.2 We offer a low cost service, with significant discounts available for prepayments. If you terminate a fixed term contract before the end of its term, and unless the Service Terms provide differently or the termination is due to the faultiness of the service provided not attributable to you, you will not be entitled to a refund or monies paid.

7.3 If you have just changed your mind about the services, we offer a no quibble money back guarantee.  You can choose to exercise this option only once.  Moreover, this guarantee applies only to your first term, not to subsequent extended terms. You must notify us that you wish to cancel within the time frames set forth below for your services from the purchase date. You will then receive a full refund for the money paid to the date of termination, minus the domain registration fees or other expenses which are non-refundable. This guarantee does not apply to domain name registrations, renewals or transfers, or bespoke dedicated servers.  For the avoidance of doubt, we reserve the right to, at our sole discretion, relate customers on different accounts when applying this section.  The money back guarantee is for the following periods:

o               All Products, except for Domains and Servers : 30 days (45 days on Premium Unlimited Reseller)

7.4 If you wish to terminate your account, you can do so:

  1. via the online cancellation form. To submit the cancellation form, login to The Console, select tab ‘Service Administration’ then click on ‘Service Cancellation’. Submission of this online form will generate an automated email to the email address specified in the form, and within this email will be a unique tracking number that is proof of cancellation. We will complete the cancellation request to your service at the first available opportunity, however we acknowledge the date of lodgement of the cancellation request (where we have provided a receipt ID) as the date of cancellation.
  2. by telephone to Customer Service. You must be able to provide your account support code to verify your authority to terminate. You can find your support code on the upper right corner of the page when you login to The Console.

7.5 Either party may terminate this Contract immediately by notice in writing to the other party if:

  1. the other party commits a material breach which cannot be remedied, of its obligations under the Contract;
  2. the other party commits a remediable material breach of its obligations under the Contract but fails to remedy that breach within 14 days of being required to do so in writing by the first party; or
  3. an insolvency event occurs with respect to the other party.

7.6 We reserve the right to terminate this Contract and suspend immediately any and all of our Services to you if you, at our sole discretion, are deemed to be harrassing or threating us and/or any of our employees.

7.7 If we terminate a Service for a reason set out in 6.4, we shall also be entitled to immediately cease any of our other Services to you.

8. Warranties

8.1 If you are not the customer, you warrant that you have the power and authority to enter into this Contract on behalf of the customer and will indemnify us for any breach of the Contract by the customer.

8.2 We do not warrant that the Services will be uninterrupted, timely, secure or error free, or that they will be free from hackers, virus, denial of service attack or other persons having unauthorised access to our services or those of our suppliers.

8.3 You agree that we may be required to perform maintenance in respect of our systems to ensure their satisfactory operation which may affect the availability or functioning of the Services. We will use reasonable endeavours to provide you with advance notice of any maintenance downtime, except when circumstances beyond our reasonable control prevent us from doing so.

8.4 All terms and warranties which might otherwise be implied by any legislation, the common law, equity, trade, custom or usage or otherwise in to the Contract, are expressly excluded to the maximum extent permitted by law.

8.5 If any goods or services supplied pursuant to this agreement are supplied to you as a ‘consumer’ of goods or services within the meaning of that term in the Australian Consumer Law as amended or relevant state legislation (“the Acts”), you will have the benefit of certain non-excludable rights and remedies in respect of the products or services and nothing in these terms and conditions excludes or restricts or modifies any condition, warranty, right or remedy which is so conferred by the Acts. However, if the goods or services are not ordinarily acquired for personal, domestic or household use or consumption, we limit our liability to:

  1. in relation to goods – the replacement of the goods or the supply of equivalent goods or payment of the cost of replacing the goods or acquiring equivalent goods; or, the repair of the goods or payment of the cost of having the goods repaired;
  2. in relation to services – the supplying of the services again; or the payment of the cost of having the services supplied again as in each case we may elect.

9. Liability

9.1 Nothing in the Contract excludes or limits either party’s liability under or in respect of:

  1. Any indemnity;
  2. Any fraud or other criminal act;
  3. Personal injury or death caused by the negligence, breach of contract or other wrongful act or omission of that party; or
  4. Any other liability that cannot be excluded by law.

9.2 To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, neither party is liable for:

  1. any indirect, special or consequential loss or damage, any loss of profit, revenue or business opportunities, loss of or damage to data or loss of goodwill arising out of or in connection with the Contract (whether or not the loss or damage may reasonably be supposed to have been in the contemplation of the parties as at the date the Contract was formed as a probable result of any act or omission);
  2. any loss or damage to the extent such loss or damage is caused or contributed to by the other party’s negligence, breach of contract or other wrongful acts or omissions; or
  3. any claim made 6 months or more after the circumstances giving rise to the claim first became known by the claimant or could, with reasonable diligence, have become known by the claimant.

9.3 Each party’s aggregate liability for any loss or damage in connection with the provision of the Service, which is not excluded or limited under this clause 8 is limited to the charges paid by you in respect of the Services for the preceding 12 months to any such claim.

10. General

10.1 1 Except where expressly provided otherwise, any notice to be given by either party to the other may be sent by either:

  1. e-mail;
  2. fax;
  3. post;
  4. courier;to the address of the other party, or
  5. by any other means accessible publicly (including, but not limited to, an online messaging board).

10.2 A notice will be deemed delivered (a) if sent by email, on receipt by the sender of a receipt confirmation; (b) if sent by fax, on receipt of an error free transmission report; (c) if sent by post, five business days following the date of posting; and, (d) if posted to a publicly accessible online platform, the time and date the notice is posted to the online platform.

10.3 Neither party may assign its rights or obligations under this Contract without the written consent of the other party which consent will not be unreasonably withheld; provided, however, that without your consent we may novate this Contract to any of our related bodies corporate or assign this Contract to a successor in connection with any corporate reorganisation, merger, acquisition, or sale of our business or assets to which this Contract relates.

10.4 We are free to sub-contract any of our obligations under the Contract, but such sub-contracting will not release us from our liabilities under the Contract.

10.5 The Contract is to be interpreted in accordance with the laws of the State of New South Wales.