5 ways Facebook can help you find new customers

Written on 16 March, 2018 by Webcentral
Categories Facebook

Though Facebook is now largely a paid advertising channel, it’s still every marketer’s dream. With access to about 15 million active users in Australia, the social media channel is rich with data about your prospective customers. If you’re considering Facebook advertising, here are 5 ways you can use it to help find new customers.

1.      Find people like your existing customers

Feature: Look a-like audiences

If you already have an existing customer base, Facebook can help you find people like your existing customers. This feature is called a look alike audience. To create a look alike audience, you will need to upload email addresses from 20 of your existing customers to Facebook. From there, Facebook’s algorithms will search for customers with similar interests, browsing and buying behavior of your existing customers.

2.      Convert visitors into customers

Feature: Retargeting

Not everyone who visits your website will be a customer but their first interaction with your website doesn’t need to be the last. With Facebook advertising, you can create ads that are shown specifically to people who have already visited your website. For example, Sam’s accounting could create an add targeted to people who visited his website but didn’t request a complimentary consultation.

3.      Look for people who are most likely to buy/fill in a contact form

Feature: Conversion goals

Facebook has a lot of data on its users, so much that they can determine how likely someone is likely to buy your product or fill in a contact form. Depending on your conversion goal, they will show your ad to people most likely to convert i.e. add to cart, view content, purchase. What this means is that you can measure your return on ad spend.

4.      Collect leads straight from the platform—- (no landing pages)

Feature: Collect leads

If you are in the services industry, you probably rely on leads to sustain and grow your business. With Facebook lead gen ads you can collect leads straight from the social platform. The upside of Facebook lead gen ads is that it offers Facebook users the option to request a call or more information without leaving the platform.

5.      Give you insights on your customers

Feature: Audience insights

Want to get to know your customers? Facebook audience insights can tell you a lot about them from their shopping behavior, household income and location, you’re essentially buying data from Facebook when you invest in advertising.

If you’re just getting started with Facebook it can be confusing to get around.

To understand how you can use the features mentioned in this article, connect with one of our online solutions advisors. 


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