Webcentral Blog

Written on 24 October, 2023 by Georgina Eades

Ditch the Gmail: 5 benefits of a professional email address   There are hundreds of free email services available to anyone with internet access but there comes a time when your email address might be setting your business back. Here are five good reasons to get your own email domain. 1. It reflects how you manage your business You get... Read more
Categories: Email Marketing, Marketing | Tags: brand, email

Written on 14 February, 2023 by Georgina Eades

Benefits of Changing Your Domain to .au There are several benefits of changing a domain to a .au extension: Increased credibility: A .au domain is a country-code top-level domain (ccTLD) specific to Australia, and it can increase the credibility of your website among Australian users and customers. Better search engine optimization (SEO): The .au domain is more... Read more
Categories: Domains, Search Engine Optimisation

Written on 31 October, 2022 by Georgina Eades

Domain Privacy Renewal and Price Increase Registration of our Domain Privacy product will now be renewed automatically We’d like to thank our customers for using our Domain Privacy service. We are committed to offering a service that can assist in protection of your identity online, from spammers, data miners and marketers to reduce unsolicited phone calls... Read more
Categories: Domains

Written on 25 July, 2022 by Georgina Eades

Google to Crawl and Index First 15 MB of Web Content What does this mean for my website’s SEO? How much is 15 MB worth of HTML content? Can I still use images and videos on my website? Will this affect my SEO rankings on Google? How can I improve my SEO rankings on search engines?   There has been much... Read more
Categories: Search Engine Optimisation

Written on 03 July, 2022 by Georgina Eades

Your Steps to Success with a .AU: A Webcentral Case Study As a business owner in Australia, you may already be aware of the new top-level-domain known as .au direct. Released back in late March, the .au direct allows you to choose a domain name with only the country code. Now, there’s no need to select between .com.au or .net.au if... Read more
Categories: Domains

Written on 26 June, 2022 by Georgina Eades

Protect Your Brand with .AU .au Domain Administration Limited has just released a new country code top-level-domain name in Australia. No longer will you be restricted to traditional .com.au and .net.au. This new and shorter domain name allows you more flexibility in your domain, showing up as just:   youronlinebusiness.au   The .au has plenty... Read more
Categories: Domains, Marketing, Small Business | Tags: .au direct, .au domain name, brand, domain names