Blogging About Blogs

Written on 24 September, 2015 by Kate Somerville
Categories Social Media

No, the title is not a typo, blogs and content are becoming increasingly important in the digital world. As a Digital Account Manager if you ask me what you can do to improve your online presence I will suggest you start writing a blog on your website relevant to your business and industry.

But where do you start, really where do I start! I’m not a creative writer, English was never my strongest subject in school, yet it’s something I need to do. When I tell a tradie, an accountant, a lawyer or a small business owner they need to write blogs that are all 100% original they usually need some ideas, so here you go…

4 ideas for blogging when your creative ability is a stick figure at the best…

1. Case studies

When you complete a project write a blog on it! This is great for the tradies out there completing building projects, laying a new carpet or fixing a major plumbing issue. No two projects is going to be the same so already the blog is 100% unique from the rest.

2. Industry trends

What is changing in your industry this week, month or year? Perfect for an ecommerce site, you can’t always be selling the same products so let’s anticipate the new ones coming. Put the ideas in customers now of what they will be buying in the future.

3. Write about you and the team

Show the real people and culture behind your business. Many businesses do this through social media by posting images of the team, events and office activities why not extend this into a blog. Who doesn’t like writing about themselves?

4. Informational

Of course you can’t forget the classic informational blogs. In an industry like digital marketing there is a lot more to it than most initially believe. Webcentral uses blog post to help educate clients and answer common questions.

Still reluctant to take on the task of running your own blog? We can help. Our friendly team are more than happy to walk you through our new blog offering over the phone or in office. Let’s get the blog you needed yesterday, started today.

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