Breaking Industry News: QLD Government Announces Small Business Digital Grants Program

Written on 14 November, 2016 by Trish OLoughlin
Categories Marketing

Calling all Queensland-based small businesses: if you have been toying with the idea of implementing or growing your digital marketing campaign, now is the time to get on-board. The State Government has recently announced the release of its new Small Business Digital Grants Program – a ground-breaking funding program aimed at helping Queenslanders engage the digital economy and effectively grow their businesses.

It’s an ideal opportunity for those who have forgone digital marketing services in the past due to budget restraints, however, the timeframes are tight: businesses only have until the 9th of December to apply for the grant.

QLD businesses may be eligible for a matched dollar-for-dollar grant up to $10,000

The basis of the Small Business Digital Grants Program is to help small businesses leverage the marketplace by offering matched funding up to the value of $10,000 for digital marketing services.

It’s an indication of the importance of technology in today’s world of business, with the government stating that the ultimate goal of the program is to pave the way for small businesses in the rapidly-expanding global market and effectively equip them with the latest marketing tools to gauge a stronger foothold against their competition.

The grant is designed to cover a range of digital services, up to 20% of which can be allocated to training in new technologies.

What kind of digital marketing services are we talking about?

Businesses can apply for digital technology or services that fall under one of the five identified “priority areas”:

  1. Digital marketing and social media
  2. Digital content (web pages, mobile apps, media, etc.)
  3. E-commerce (receiving payments or selling online)
  4. Specialised digital technology or software (business specific)
  5. Digital planning and advice/training

How do I know if my business is eligible?

Businesses must comply with the following criteria to apply for the grant:

  • Have fewer than 20 employees at the time of applying for the grant
  • Have an Australian Business Number (ABN) and be registered for GST
  • Have Queensland headquarters or significant Queensland-based operations
  • Declare if any owners or directors of the business are an undischarged bankrupt or insolvent

If you’ve ticked all the above boxes, congrats – the next step is to put together a full digital marketing submission detailing items such as a projected quote, a breakdown of your matched financial contribution, clear evidence that the grant will deliver job growth, and a compelling argument outlining how the grant can help power your business forward.

No time to write a grant proposal? Don’t stress – Webcentral can do it for you

Businesses that are interested in this limited offer can work with the Webcentral team to write a submission on their behalf for a fee of just $400 + GST. Get in contact with us today to get a headstart on your application before time runs out.

For more information on the Small Business Digital Grants Program, have a virtual flick-through the full guidelines via the download link here.

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