Join us for Workshops in 2019 

Written on 15 January, 2019 by Webcentral
Categories Events

If you’re a small business, you can’t afford not to be online. But the digital landscape can be overwhelming to those who aren’t familiar with it. That’s where we come in. In 2019, Netregistry is running a series of workshops to help you get your head around the latest in digital marketing. 

Whether you already have a solid understanding or you’re a complete newbie, we have tailored workshops to help you get the best out of digital marketing for your business. Capped at 15 attendees per workshop, we have increased the topics from two in 2018 to four this year to give a more varied take on the digital realm. 

How to Start, Build, Grow your business online

Ideal for those just starting out, our Start, Build, Grow workshop takes you through everything you need to know about setting up your business online. From setting up a website that works to attracting the right audience with online marketing, we’ll give you a solid foundation on which to build yourself up digitally.  Register for sessions here.

Setting up your website for success

Your website acts as an online hub for your business and it’s your most important online asset. This workshop homes in on the website component of your digital strategy for those yet to take off into the digital sphere. We will explore how to develop and implement a brand strategy across your website, understanding website design principles, content mapping, optimisation and web security. Register for sessions here.

A winning strategy – SEO & PPC

For those who have a handle on the digital basics, the next step is to drive traffic to your online hub, your website. Search Engine Optimisaton and Pay Per Click Advertising work hand in hand to drive new business to your website. In this workshop, we take your through each digital marketing tactic and ensure you understand how they work independently and as a pair. Register for sessions here.

How to run Facebook & Instagram Ads

Our final topic gives attendees a comprehensive overview of how best to setup and create your Facebook and Instagram ads to maximise ROI. Covering the rise of social media as a legitimate advertising stream, planning and execution, ad design, implementation of the all-important Facebook Pixel, retargeting as a social media marketing strategy and some nifty tips on the mistakes that are easy to avoid, attendees will leave with all the know-how they need to get their own ads up and running. Register for sessions here.

To book your place at one (or more!) of our 2019 workshops, click here and fill in the online form. 

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