Online recruitment tips for small businesses

Written on 08 August, 2012 by Karen Lim-Sam
Categories Small Business Tags small business

Good people are hard to find and online job advertising has become the major avenue for recruiting new employees because the majority of job hunters will look for jobs on the Internet first.

Recruiting the right people to your business is as vital as managing finances and generating sales. Your company has a far better chance of being successful with talented and motivated people on board.

Below are some recruitment tips when advertising online:

  1. Think like the job hunter when choosing your job title.  If the words that the job hunter searches on are in your job title your online advert will achieve a better search results page position.
  2. Online adverts usually appear in job searches displaying a summary of the role. By describing the key benefits of the role in the first 400 characters (e.g. salary, perks, flexible working practices, nearby transport links, etc), your job posting will entice job hunters to view the entire job posting.
  3. Be specific in your job description. Articulating what you need will lead to the right candidates applying to your job posting: Job title, Salary, Benefits, Specific location, Key projects/tasks performed, Key attributes required for the job and How to apply.

This article has been provided by – one of Australia’s most highly visited websites offering career advice, job hunting tips, company profiles and job listings to empower people to progress in their career.

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