Should I Choose .au or Domain?

Written on 22 March, 2022 by Melissa Toh
Categories Domains

Should I Choose .au or Domain

This is a choice that many businesses in Australia are grappling with, whether they be a new start-up or an existing business currently using a On March 24, 2022, .au domains will launch in Australia.


How to choose between .au and domains?

  1. What is the new .au domain?
  2. What are the key benefits of the .au domain?
  3. Which domain is best for my business?
  4. Why operate with multiple domain name extensions?
  5. How do I manage multiple domain names?


This launch follows two years of pandemic activity throughout Australia and the rest of the world. Many businesses have relied upon their digital presence during this period to keep their businesses moving forward. The importance of creating, managing and improving your online space has become crucial to business success.

Here are the answers to some common questions business owners like you have about this new .au domain release.

What is the new .au domain?

.au domain is pretty straightforward.

In the past, you may have added the domain extension of to your chosen name. Now you can create a domain name using just .au. So if your current domain name is, you can embark on a .au registration and become

What are the key benefits of .au domain?

what are the key benefits of au domain


There are several benefits of the .au domain.  Some will be relevant to your business, and others will be of less interest. Let’s list them:

  • .au domains are shorter and easier to remember
  • .au domains declutter your chosen domain name – your business name can shine
  • You don’t need to register an ABN to use a .au TLD (top-level domain)
  • .au domains strongly reinforce your Australian presence
  • A  .au whois search may uncover that ideal domain name you have been waiting for


Which domain is best for my business?

This question is not so straightforward. Every business should look at the key benefits of the new .au domains and determine which of those features is relevant for their company.


However, if you are an Australian business wanting to grow your online presence and engage with Australians in the digital space, then the .au is worthy of consideration. 


If, however, you are a global entity talking to markets all over the world, you may feel less inclined to embrace .au. However, there are reasons why a significant global entity may wish to secure their .au direct, and we will discuss them shortly.

The .au registration requirements are not daunting, and the decision for a new business start-up may be easier to make.  If those benefits resound for your business, why would you not consider a domain name architecture that highlights your business name or brand?

That said, most consumers in Australia will still search for business entities using the more traditional domain extensions such as and So launching with two domain extensions in play may well offer a start-up company the best of both worlds.

The decision for existing businesses will need them to consider registering an additional domain name to support their business.

Why operate with multiple domain name extensions?

why operate with multiple domain name extensions


There has been much written about the value of registering multiple domains. In summary, multiple domain names provide businesses:

  • Broader access for users to your online presence
  • Insurance against others using your domain name
  • Potential to stop cybercriminals misrepresenting your domain name

All Australian businesses, whether start-ups or established, should carefully consider registering a .au domain and a domain using existing traditional domain name extensions. It is an investment in protecting your brand and ensuring better coverage for your digital business. Having more than one domain name does not mean that you must replicate your website or online digital files.

How do I manage multiple domains?

If you’re worried about the cost of hosting and running multiple websites on your different domains, there’s some good news. You only need one website to which you can redirect all your existing domains. This way, you’ll be able to ensure any person looking for your business finds what they need, whether they’re searching .net, .com or even just .au.

With the launch of .au tomorrow, Australian business has access to an exciting new, short, memorable and genuinely Australian domain name extension. And as we turn our backs on COVID-19 and reflect on the growth in the digital economy as a result of the pandemic, we will continue to search for tools we can use to mark out our competitive difference and protect our position in the market. The launch of the .au domain does just that.

If you need any additional help or advice about using .au domains, or any domains, to build and develop your online business, please contact us.

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