Twitter for business – Lunch N Learn Webinar

Written on 10 July, 2009 by Webcentral
Categories Social Media Tags social media twitter

This Wednesday I was happy to be involved in one of the biggest webinars ever, when Lunch N Learn presented “Using Twitter to gain a competitive advantage”. Just under 1000 people logged in at the appointed time from their offices, laptops and boardrooms, to watch Brian Giesen and myself present our tips, ideas and theories on how businesses can extract genuine benefits from Twitter.

We received wonderful feedback after the event, persuading us that we shouldn’t leave it too long before presenting more webinars geared to online marketing. Some typical responses from attendees include:

  • Very informative. Very well presented by a team who clearly know what they are talking about. Thank you! Rick
  • Great intro – made me really interested to start on Twitter – thanks to the presenters, Netreg & Citrix
  • Great tool for web conferencing which I will use in the future when we have need and definitely recommend. Loved the way you could survey and provide results! Best run webinar I have attended to date, thank you.
  • Great presentation, learnt more in that one hour than I did in a whole day conference on social media

The webinar was also covered by Digital Media and was reported by a large number of Twitter users.

For those of you who missed it, here is an extended version of the PowerPoint presentation I used.

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