Winning Business Online with BEC and Netregistry
This Wednesday, June 30th, sees the grand launch of “Winning Business Online” and you’re invited! This government-funded training program, created in conjunction with Business Enterprise Centres (BEC), seeks to provide the education, tools and inspiration small businesses need to get online and grow. Netregistry and NETT Magazine are proud sponsors of this initiative to ensure all Australian businesses can keep pace with the rapid changes of the digital age.
“Winning Business Online” combines online learning tools and a supportive community with face to face teaching and mentoring provided by the BEC.
This special launch event will be presented by David Koch – host of Channel Seven’s Sunrise morning program as well as Kochie’s Business Builders. The keynote will be provided by the Hon. Craig Emerson MP, Minister for Small Business. You are also invited to participate in this special event by viewing the live webcast streamed on the Business Enterprise Centres website – from 1.00pm, June 30th, 2010.