The $10,000 grant that could transform small businesses in Queensland

Written on 16 June, 2017 by Iona Yeung
Categories News

Length: 5-7 min read. Updated 05/10/027

It’s no surprise that when it comes to building and growing your business, technology is the way forward. It can help you work smarter, reach an audience beyond your postcode and grow your business. If your business is based in Queensland, you may be eligible for the Small Business Digital Grants Program which provides small businesses matched funding of up to $10,000 (ex GST) for the purchase of hardware, software and digital services.

How it works

  1. Identify the technologies and digital services your business needs to be more competitive and increase the need for new jobs.
  2. If your business is eligible to apply, submit your application.
  3. Once approved, you will be eligible to receive matched funding of up to $10,000 for technologies/services invested.
  4. Receive payment on the completion of the project/technology roll out (proof of payment required).

For more information, refer to the application guidelines.

Who is eligible

Your business may be eligible to apply if it:

  • has fewer than 20 employees at the time of application,
  • has an Australian Business Number (ABN) and is registered for GST,
  • is based in Queensland,
  • has a turnover of $2 million of less in the last 12 calendar months.

Note: If any owners or directors of your business is an undischarged bankrupt or insolvent, this must be declared.

How you can spend your $10,000 grant

Business Queensland will provide matched funding for hardware, software and digital services but they must fall under any one of the areas:

  • content development (copy on your website’s product pages, homepage, blog content…etc),
  • payment gateway for receiving payments for items or services sold,
  • specialised digital technology or software,
  • training, marketing strategy, digital planning.

What isn’t included in the grant

The aim of the Small Business Digital Grants Program is to help grow small businesses through digital technologies. It does not help to fund existing expenses including: 

  • existing fees i.e. maintenance of existing digital services like website hosting or maintenance,
  • franchise fees,
  • salaries,
  • general operating costs,
  • subscriptions,
  • search engine optimization (SEO), Google AdWords, Facebook.

How your application will be assessed

The number of grants available hasn’t been disclosed but in addition to meeting the eligibility, applications will also be assessed and prioritised by several factors:

  • how the technology will impact the business
  • whether the technology will give the business competitive edge
  • opportunity for job growth
  • value for investment

When to apply

Application deadline: 24 October 2017 at 5pm

Useful links

For any questions, email [email protected] or call 13 QGOV (13 74 68).

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