4 bulletproof ways to improve website conversion rates

Written on 24 October, 2016 by Webcentral
Categories Web Design & Content Tags online business online marketing web design

Generating more leads and sales for your business can be achieved without increasing marketing spend.  Making simple changes to your website and further optimisation of current processes can see your leads and sales numbers double, without having to spend a cent.

Are you looking to increase your website conversions without spending more on ads?

Then implement these 4 tips today.

1. Integrate live chat features

With more choice than ever before, consumers are researching your products and business before spending their money. One way to keep them on your website and provide answers to queries they have is through live chat.

When you give prospects the chance to interact with your sales team through your website, you’re giving them the opportunity to learn more about a product or service without going to Google or ending up at a competitor’s site.

2. Add a search bar

eConsultancy found that as many as 30% of all website conversions come from a website’s internal search bar.

In today’s digital world, if consumers can’t find what they are looking for right away, they’ll leave.

Screen Pages shared internal search bar results of 21 of their clients and found for all but 1 client, internal searches generated more revenue than website referrals:

Do you have a search bar on your website? How prominent is its placement?

Ideally all search bars should be above the fold and easy to spot.

3. Website load times

Not only does website speed impact how your pages rank in search engines, but it also impacts how long people stay on your website. According to KISSmetrics, around 25% of all website traffic will leave a site if it takes 4 or more seconds to load:


You can check your website’s responsiveness using tools like Pingdom and PageSpeed Insights. Website load speeds can be the result of a poor host provider, if this is the case for you, it can be worth shopping around to find a better host who is local to your business.

4. Mobile-friendly websites

Have you ever visited a website on a smartphone that wasn’t responsive for mobile users? If you have, chances are you left immediately or threw your phone across the room in sheer rage (or maybe that’s just me?).

One of the most effective ways to increase website conversions overnight is updating your website to be responsive. Over half of all website visitors now come from mobile, not catering to this demographic will impact your revenue goals.


These 4 bulletproof tips have been proven to increase websites conversions time and time again. How many are you currently using on your website and how many could be improved?

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