Build your own AJAX web applications: Part 2
Note: You’ll have to replace all instances of “[[ ]]” with curly braces in your app.
Chapter 2. Basic XMLHttpRequest
I can’t wait to share this new wonder, The people will all see its light, Let them all make their own music, The priests praise my name on this night.
— Rush, Discovery
It’s XMLHttpRequest
that gives AJAX its true power: the ability to make asynchronous HTTP requests from the browser and pull down content in small chunks.
Web developers have been using tricks and hacks to achieve this for a long time, while suffering annoying limitations: the invisible iframe hack forced us to pass data back and forth between the parent document and the document in the iframe
, and even the “remote scripting” method was limited to making GET requests to pages that contained JavaScript.
Modern AJAX techniques, which use XMLHttpRequest, provide a huge improvement over these kludgy methods, allowing your app to make both GET and POST requests without ever completely reloading the page.
In this chapter, we’ll jump right in and build a simple AJAX web application — a simple site-monitoring application that pings a page on a web server to a timed schedule. But before we start making the asynchronous HTTP requests to poll the server, we’ll need to simplify the use of the XMLHttpRequest class by taking care of all of the little browser incompatibilities, such as the different ways XMLHttpRequest objects are instantiated, inside a single, reusable library of code.
A Simple AJAX Library
One approach to simplifying the use of the XMLHttpRequest
class would be to use an existing library of code. Thanks to the increasing popularity of AJAX development, there are literally dozens of libraries, toolkits, and frameworks available that make XMLHttpRequest
easier to use.
But, as the code for creating an instance of the XMLHttpRequest
class is fairly simple, and the API for using it is easy to understand, we’ll just write a very simple JavaScript library that takes care of the basic stuff we need.
Stepping through the process of creating your own library will ensure you know how the XMLHttpRequest
class works, and will help you get more out of those other toolkits or libraries when you do decide to use them.
Starting our Ajax
We’ll start by creating a basic class, called Ajax
, in which we’ll wrap the functionality of the XMLHttpRequest
I’ve Never done Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript — Help!
In this section, we’ll start to create classes and objects in JavaScript. If you’ve never done this before, don’t worry — it’s quite simple as long as you know the basics of object oriented programming.
In JavaScript, we don’t declare classes with complex syntax like we would in Java [27], C++ or one of the .NET [28] languages; we simply write a constructor function to create an instance of the class. All we need to do is:
- provide a constructor function — the name of this function is the name of your class
- add properties to the object that’s being constructed using the keyword this, followed by a period and the name of the property
- add methods to the object in the same way we’d add properties, using JavaScript’s special function constructor syntax
Here’s the code that creates a simple class called HelloWorld
function HelloWorld() [[
this.message = 'Hello, world!';
this.sayMessage = function() [[
JavaScript’s framework for object oriented programming is very lightweight, but functions surprisingly well once you get the hang of it. More advanced object oriented features, such as inheritance and polymorphism, aren’t available in JavaScript, but these features are rarely needed on the client side in an AJAX application. The complex business logic for which these features are useful should always be on the web server, and accessed using the XMLHttpRequest
In this example, we create a class called HelloWorld
with one property (message
) and one method (sayMessage
). To use this class, we simply call the constructor function, as shown below:
var hw = new HelloWorld();
hw.message = 'Goodbye';
Here, we create an instance of HelloWorld
(called hw
), then use this object to display two messages. The first time we call sayMessage
, the default “Hello, world!” message is displayed. Then, after changing our object’s message
property to “Goodbye,” we call sayMessage
and “Goodbye” is displayed.
Don’t worry if this doesn’t make too much sense at the moment. As we progress through the building of our Ajax
class, it will become clearer.
Here are the beginnings of our Ajax
class’s constructor function:
Example 2.1. ajax.js (excerpt)
function Ajax() [[
this.req = null;
this.url = null;
this.method = 'GET';
this.async = true;
this.status = null;
this.statusText = '';
this.postData = null;
this.readyState = null;
this.responseText = null;
this.responseXML = null;
this.handleResp = null;
this.responseFormat = 'text'; // 'text', 'xml', or 'object'
this.mimeType = null;
This code just defines the properties we’ll need in our Ajax
class in order to work with XMLHttpRequest
objects. Now, let’s add some methods to our object. We need some functions that will set up an XMLHttpRequest
object and tell it how to make requests for us.
Creating an XMLHttpRequest
First, we’ll add an init
method, which will create an XMLHttpRequest
object for us. Unfortunately, XMLHttpRequest
is implemented slightly differently in Firefox (in this book, whenever I explain how something works in Firefox, I’m referring to all Mozilla-based browsers, including Firefox, Mozilla, Camino, and SeaMonkey), Safari, and Opera[29] than it was in Internet Explorer’s original implementation (interestingly, Internet Explorer version 7 now supports the same interface as Firefox, which promises to simplify AJAX development in the future), so you’ll have to try instantiating the object in a number of different ways if you’re not targeting a specific browser. Firefox and Safari create XMLHttpRequest
objects using a class called XMLHttpRequest
, while Internet Explorer versions 6 and earlier use a special class called ActiveXObject
that’s built into Microsoft’s scripting engine. Although these classes have different constructors, they behave in the same way.
Cross-browser Code
Fortunately, most modern browsers (Internet Explorer 6, Firefox 1.0, Safari 1.2, and Opera 8, or later versions of any of these browsers) adhere to web standards fairly well overall, so you won’t have to do lots of browser-specific branching in your AJAX code.
This usually makes a browser-based AJAX application faster to develop and deploy cross-platform than a desktop application. As the power and capabilities available to AJAX applications increase, desktop applications offer fewer advantages from a user-interface perspective.
The init
method looks like this:
Example 2.2. ajax.js (excerpt)
this.init = function() [[
if (!this.req) [[
try [[
// Try to create object for Firefox, Safari, IE7 [30], etc.
this.req = new XMLHttpRequest();
]] catch (e) [[
try [[
// Try to create object for later versions of IE.
this.req = new ActiveXObject('MSXML2.XMLHTTP');
]] catch (e) [[
try [[
// Try to create object for early versions of IE.
this.req = new ActiveXObject('Microsoft.XMLHTTP');
]] catch (e) [[
// Could not create an XMLHttpRequest object. return false;
return this.req;
The init
method goes through each possible way of creating an XMLHttpRequest
object until it creates one successfully. This object is then returned to the calling function.
Degrading Gracefully
Maintaining compatibility with older browsers (by “older” I mean anything older than the “modern browsers” I mentioned in the previous note) requires a lot of extra code work, so it’s vital to define which browsers your application should support.
If you know your application will receive significant traffic via older browsers that don’t support the XMLHtmlRequest
class (e.g., Internet Explorer 4 and earlier, Netscape 4 and earlier), you will need either to leave it out completely, or write your code so that it degrades gracefully. That means that instead of allowing your functionality simply to disappear in less-capable browsers, you code to ensure that users of those browsers receive something that’s functionally equivalent, though perhaps in a less interactive or easy-to-use format.
It’s also possible that your web site will attract users who browse with JavaScript disabled. If you want to cater to these users, you should provide an alternative, old-school interface by default, which you can then modify on-the-fly — using JavaScript — for modern browsers.
Sending a Request
We now have a method that creates an XMLHttpRequest
. So let’s write a function that uses it to make a request. We start the doReq method like this:
Example 2.3. ajax.js (excerpt)
this.doReq = function() [[
if (!this.init()) [[
alert('Could not create XMLHttpRequest object.');
This first part of doReq
calls init
to create an instance of the XMLHttpRequest
class, and displays a quick alert if it’s not successful.
Setting Up the Request
Next, our code calls the open
method on this.req
— our new instance of the XMLHttpRequest
class — to begin setting up the HTTP request:
Example 2.4. ajax.js (excerpt)
this.doReq = function() [[
if (!this.init()) [[
alert('Could not create XMLHttpRequest object.');
]], this.url, this.async);
The open
method takes three parameters:
1. Method – This parameter identifies the type of HTTP request method we’ll use. The most commonly used methods are GET and POST.
Methods are Case-sensitive
According to the HTTP specification (RFC 2616), the names of these request methods are case-sensitive. And since the methods described in the spec are defined as being all uppercase, you should always make sure you type the method in all uppercase letters.
2. URL – This parameter identifies the page being requested (or posted to if the method is POST).
Crossing Domains
Normal browser security settings will not allow you to send HTTP requests to another domain. For example, a page served from would not be able to send a request to unless the user had allowed such requests.
3. Asynchronous Flag – If this parameter is set to true
, your JavaScript will continue to execute normally while waiting for a response to the request. As the state of the request changes, events are fired so that you can deal with the changing state of the request.
If you set the parameter to false
, JavaScript execution will stop until the response comes back from the server. This approach has the advantage of being a little simpler than using a callback function, as you can start dealing with the response straight after you send the request in your code, but the big disadvantage is that your code pauses while the request is sent and processed on the server, and the response is received. As the ability to communicate with the server asynchronously is the whole point of an AJAX application, this should be set to true
In our Ajax
class, the method and async properties are initialized to reasonable defaults (GET and true), but you’ll always have to set the target URL, of course.
Setting Up the onreadystatechange
Event Handler
As the HTTP request is processed on the server, its progress is indicated by changes to the readyState property. This property is an integer that represents one of the following states, listed in order from the start of the request to its finish:
: uninitialized –open
has not been called yet.1
: loading –send
has not been called yet.2
: loaded –send
has been called, but the response is not yet available.3
: interactive – The response is being downloaded, and the responseText property holds partial data.4
: completed – The response has been loaded and the request is completed.
An XMLHttpRequest
object tells you about each change in state by firing a readystatechange
event. In the handler for this event, check the readyState
of the request, and when the request completes (i.e., when the readyState
changes to 4
), you can handle the server’s response.
A basic outline for our Ajax
code would look like this:
Example 2.5. ajax.js (excerpt)
this.doReq = function() [[
if (!this.init()) [[
alert('Could not create XMLHttpRequest object.');
]], this.url, this.async);
var self = this;
// Fix loss-of-scope in inner function
this.req.onreadystatechange = function() [[
if (self.req.readyState == 4) [[
// Do stuff to handle response
We’ll discuss how to “do stuff to handle response” in just a bit. For now, just keep in mind that you need to set up this event handler before the request is sent.
Sending the Request
Use the send
method of the XMLHttpRequest
class to start the HTTP request, like so:
Example 2.6. ajax.js (excerpt)
this.doReq = function() [[
if (!this.init()) [[
alert('Could not create XMLHttpRequest object.');
]], this.url, this.async);
var self = this;
// Fix loss-of-scope in inner function
this.req.onreadystatechange = function() [[
if (self.req.readyState == 4) [[
// Do stuff to handle response
The send method takes one parameter, which is used for POST
data. When the request is a simple GET
that doesn’t pass any data to the server, like our current request, we set this parameter to null.
Loss of Scope and this
You may have noticed that onreadystatechange
includes a weird-looking variable assignment:
Example 2.7. ajax.js (excerpt)
var self = this;
// Fix loss-of-scope in inner function
This new variable, self
, is the solution to a problem called “loss of scope” that’s often experienced by JavaScript developers using asynchronous event handlers. Asynchronous event handlers are commonly used in conjunction with XMLHttpRequest
, and with functions like setTimeout
or setInterval
The this
keyword is used as shorthand in object-oriented JavaScript code to refer to “the current object.” Here’s a quick example — a class called ScopeTest
function ScopeTest() [[
this.message = 'Greetings from ScopeTest!';
this.doTest = function() [[
var test = new ScopeTest();
This code will create an instance of the ScopeTest
class, then call that object’s doTest
method, which will display the message “Greetings from ScopeTest!” Simple, right?
Now, let’s add some simple XMLHttpRequest
code to our ScopeTest
class. We’ll send a simple GET
request for your web server’s home page, and, when a response is received, we’ll display the content of both this.message
and self.message
function ScopeTest() [[
this.message = 'Greetings from ScopeTest!';
this.doTest = function() [[
// This will only work in Firefox, Opera and Safari.
this.req = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', '/index.html', true);
var self = this; this.req.onreadystatechange = function() [[
if (self.req.readyState == 4) [[
var result = 'self.message is ' + self.message; result += '
result += 'this.message is ' + this.message; alert(result);
var test = new ScopeTest();
So, what message is displayed? The answer is revealed in Figure 2.1.
We can see that self.message
is the greeting message that we’re expecting, but what’s happened to this.message
Using the keyword this
is a convenient way to refer to “the object that’s executing this code.” But this has one small problem — its meaning changes when it’s called from outside the object. This is the result of something called execution context. All of the code inside the object runs in the same execution context, but code that’s run from other objects — such as event handlers — runs in the calling object’s execution context. What this means is that, when you’re writing object-oriented JavaScript, you won’t be able to use the this
keyword to refer to the object in code for event handlers (like onreadystatechange
above). This problem is called loss of scope.
If this concept isn’t 100% clear to you yet, don’t worry too much about it. We’ll see an actual demonstration of this problem in the next chapter. In the meantime, just kind of keep in mind that if you see the variable self in code examples, it’s been included to deal with a loss-of-scope problem.
Figure 2.1. Message displayed by ScopeTest class
Processing the Response
Now we’re ready to write some code to handle the server’s response to our HTTP request. Remember the “do stuff to handle response” comment that we left in the onreadystatechange
event handler? We’ll, it’s time we wrote some code to do that stuff! The function needs to do three things:
- Figure out if the response is an error or not.
- Prepare the response in the desired format.
- Pass the response to the desired handler function.
Include the code below in the inner function of our Ajax
Example 2.8. ajax.js (excerpt)
this.req.onreadystatechange = function() [[
var resp = null;
if (self.req.readyState == 4) [[
switch (self.responseFormat) [[
case 'text':
resp = self.req.responseText;
case 'xml':
resp = self.req.responseXML;
case 'object':
resp = req;
if (self.req.status >= 200 && self.req.status <= 299) [[
]] else [[
When the response completes, a code indicating whether or not the request succeeded is returned in the status property of our XMLHttpRequest
object. The status property contains the HTTP status code of the completed request. This could be code 404 if the requested page was missing, 500 if an error occurred in the server-side [31] script, 200 if the request was successful, and so on. A full list of these codes is provided in the HTTP Specification (RFC 2616) [32].
No Good with Numbers?
If you have trouble remembering the codes, don’t worry: you can use the statusText property, which contains a short message that tells you a bit more detail about the error (e.g., “Not Found,” “Internal Server Error,” “OK”).
Our Ajax
class will be able to provide the response from the server in three different formats: as a normal JavaScript string, as an XML document object accessible via the W3C XML DOM, and as the actual XMLHttpRequest
object that was used to make the request. These are controlled by the Ajax
class’s responseFormat
property, which can be set to text
, xml
or object
The content of the response can be accessed via two properties of our XMLHttpRequest
– This property contains the response from the server as a normal string. In the case of an error, it will contain the web server’s error page HTML. As long as a response is returned (that is,readyState
becomes 4), this property will contain data, though it may not be what you expect.responseXML
– This property contains an XML document object. If the response is not XML, this property will be empty.
Our Ajax
class initializes its responseFormat
property to text, so by default, your response handler will be passed the content from the server as a JavaScript string. If you’re working with XML content, you can change the responseFormat
property to xml
, which will pull out the XML document object instead.
There’s one more option you can use if you want to get really fancy: you can return the actual XMLHttpRequest
object itself to your handler function. This gives you direct access to things like the status and statusText
properties, and might be useful in cases in which you want to treat particular classes of errors differently — for example, completing extra logging in the case of 404 errors.
Setting the Correct Content-Type
Implementations of XMLHttpRequest
in all major browsers require the HTTP response’s Content-Type
to be set properly in order for the response to be handled as XML. Well-formed XML, returned with a content type of text/xml
(or application/xml
, or even application/xhtml+xml
), will properly populate the responseXML
property of an XMLHttpRequest
object; non-XML content types will result in values of null
or undefined
for that property.
However, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer 7 provide a way around XMLHttpRequest
‘s pickiness over XML documents: the overrideMimeType
method of the XMLHttpRequest
class. Our simple Ajax
class hooks into this with the setMimeType
Example 2.9. ajax.js (excerpt)
this.setMimeType = function(mimeType) [[
this.mimeType = mimeType;
This method sets the mimeType
Then, in our doReq
method, we simply call overrideMimeType
inside a try ... catch
block, like so:
Example 2.10. ajax.js (excerpt), this.url, this.async);
if (this.mimeType) [[
try [[
]] catch (e) [[
// couldn't override MIME type -- IE6 or Opera?
var self = this; // Fix loss-of-scope in inner function
Being able to override Content-Type
headers from uncooperative servers can be very important in environments in which you don’t have control over both the front and back ends of your web application. This is especially true since many of today’s apps access services and content from a lot of disparate domains or sources. However, as this technique won’t work in Internet Explorer 6 or Opera 8, you may not find it suitable for use in your applications today.
Response Handler
According to the HTTP 1.1 specification, any response that has a code between 200 and 299 inclusive is a successful response.
The onreadystatechange
event handler we’ve defined looks at the status property to get the status of the response. If the code is within the correct range for a successful response, the onreadystatechange
event handler passes the response to the response handler method (which is set by the handleResp
The response handler will need to know what the response was, of course, so we’ll pass it the response as a parameter. We’ll see this process in action later, when we talk about the doGet method.
Since the handler method is user-defined, the code also does a cursory check to make sure the method has been set properly before it tries to execute the method.
Error Handler
If the status property indicates that there’s an error with the request (i.e., it’s outside the 200 to 299 code range), the server’s response is passed to the error handler in the handleErr property. Our Ajax class already defines a reasonable default for the error handler, so we don’t have to make sure it’s defined before we call it.
The handleErr
property points to a function that looks like this:
Example 2.11. ajax.js (excerpt)
this.handleErr = function() [[
var errorWin; try [[
errorWin ='', 'errorWin');
errorWin.document.body.innerHTML = this.responseText;
]] catch (e) [[
alert('An error occurred, but the error message cannot be ' + 'displayed. This is probably because of your browser's ' + 'pop-up blocker.
' + 'Please allow pop-ups from this web site if you want to ' + 'see the full error messages.
' + '
' + 'Status Code: ' + this.req.status + '
' + 'Status Description: ' + this.req.statusText);
This method checks to make sure that pop-ups are not blocked, then tries to display the full text of the server’s error page content in a new browser window. This code uses a try ... catch
block, so if users have blocked pop-ups, we can show them a cut-down version of the error message and tell them how to access a more detailed error message.
This is a decent default for starters, although you may want to show less information to the end-user — it all depends on your level of paranoia. If you want to use your own custom error handler, you can use setHandlerErr
like so:
Example 2.12. ajax.js (excerpt)
this.setHandlerErr = function(funcRef) [[
this.handleErr = funcRef;
Or, the One True Handler
It’s possible that you might want to use a single function to handle both successful responses and errors. setHandlerBoth
, a convenience method in our Ajax
class, sets this up easily for us:
Example 2.13. ajax.js (excerpt)
this.setHandlerBoth = function(funcRef) [[
this.handleResp = funcRef;
this.handleErr = funcRef;
Any function that’s passed as a parameter to setHandlerBoth
will handle both successful responses and errors.
This setup might be useful to a user who sets your class’s responseFormat
property to object, which would cause the XMLHttpRequest
object that’s used to make the request — rather than just the value of the responseText
or responseXML
properties — to be passed to the response handler.
Aborting the Request
Sometimes, as you’ll know from your own experience, a web page will take a very long time to load. Your web browser has a Stop button, but what about your Ajax
class? This is where the abort
method comes into play:
Example 2.14. ajax.js (excerpt)
this.abort = function() [[
if (this.req) [[
this.req.onreadystatechange = function() [[
this.req = null;
This method changes the onreadystate
event handler to an empty function, calls the abort
method on your instance of the XMLHttpRequest
class, then destroys the instance you’ve created. That way, any properties that have been set exclusively for the request that’s being aborted are reset. Next time a request is made, the init
method will be called and those properties will be reinitialized.
So, why do we need to change the onreadystate
event handler? Many implementations of XMLHttpRequest
will fire the onreadystate event once abort is called, to indicate that the request’s state has been changed. What’s worse is that those events come complete with a readyState
of 4, which indicates that everything completed as expected (which is partly true, if you think about it: as soon as we call abort, everything should come to a stop and our instance of XMLHttpRequest
should be ready to send another request, should we so desire). Obviously, we don’t want our response handler to be invoked when we abort a request, so we remove the existing handler just before we call abort
Wrapping it Up
Given the code we have so far, the Ajax class needs just two things in order to make a request:
- a target URL
- a handler function for the response
Let’s provide a method called doGet
to set both of these properties, and kick off the request:
Example 2.15. ajax.js (excerpt)
this.doGet = function(url, hand, format) [[
this.url = url;
this.handleResp = hand;
this.responseFormat = format || 'text';
You’ll notice that, along with the two expected parameters, url
and hand
, the function has a third parameter: format
. This is an optional parameter that allows us to change the format of the server response that’s passed to the handler function.
If we don’t pass in a value for format, the responseFormat
property of the Ajax
class will default to a value of text, which means your handler will be passed the value of the responseText
property. You could, instead, pass xml
or object
as the format, which would change the parameter that’s being passed to the response handler to an XML DOM or XMLHttpRequest
Example: a Simple Test Page
It’s finally time to put everything we’ve learned together! Let’s create an instance of this Ajax
class, and use it to send a request and handle a response.
Now that our class’s code is in a file called ajax.js
, any web pages in which we want to use our Ajax
class will need to include the Ajax code with a <script type="text/javascript" src="ajax.js">
tag. Once our page has access to the Ajax code, we can create an Ajax
Example 2.16. ajaxtest.html (excerpt)
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html >
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>A Simple AJAX Test</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ajax.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript"> var ajax = new Ajax(); </script>
This script gives us a shiny, new instance of the Ajax
class. Now, let’s make it do something useful.
To make the most basic request with our Ajax
class, we could do something like this:
Example 2.17. ajaxtest.html (excerpt)
<script type="text/javascript">
var hand = function(str) [[
var ajax = new Ajax();
ajax.doGet('/fakeserver.php', hand);
This creates an instance of our Ajax
class that will make a simple GET
request to a page called fakeserver.php
, and pass the result back as text to the hand function. If fakeserver.php
returned an XML document that you wanted to use, you could do so like this:
Example 2.18. ajaxtest.html (excerpt)
<script type="text/javascript">
var hand = function(str) [[
// Do XML stuff here
var ajax = new Ajax();
ajax.doGet('/fakeserver.php', hand);
You would want to make absolutely sure in this case that somepage.php was really serving valid XML and that its Content-Type
HTTP response header was set to text/xml
(or something else that was appropriate).
Creating the Page
Now that we have created the Ajax
object, and set up a simple handler function for the request, it’s time to put our code into action.
The Fake Server Page
In the code above, you can see that the target URL for the request is set to a page called fakeserver.php
. To use this demonstration code, you’ll need to serve both ajaxtest.html
and fakeserver.php
from the same PHP-enabled web server. You can do this from an IIS web server with some simple ASP, too. The fake server page is a super-simple page that simulates the varying response time of a web server using the PHP code below:
Example 2.19. fakeserver.php
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
sleep(rand(3, 12));
print 'ok';
That’s all this little scrap of code does: it waits somewhere between three and 12 seconds, then prints ok.
The fakeserver.php
code sets the Content-Type
header of the response to text/plain
. Depending on the content of the page you pass back, you might choose another Content-Type
for your response. For example, if you’re passing an XML document back to the caller, you would naturally want to use text/xml
This works just as well in ASP, although some features (such as sleep) are not as easily available, as the code below illustrates:
Example 2.20. fakeserver.asp
Response.ContentType = "text/plain"
Response.Write "ok"
There is no equivalent to sleep in ASP
Throughout this book, all of our server-side examples will be written in PHP, although they could just as easily be written in ASP, ASP.NET, Java, Perl, or just about any language that can serve content through a web server.
Use the setMimeType
Imagine that you have a response that you know contains a valid XML document that you want to parse as XML, but the server insists on serving it to you as text/plain. You can force that response to be parsed as XML in Firefox and Safari by adding an extra call to setMimeType
, like so:
var ajax = new Ajax();
ajax.doGet('/fakeserver.php', hand, 'xml');
Naturally, you should use this approach only when you’re certain that the response from the server will be valid XML, and you can be sure that the browser is Firefox or Safari.
Hitting the Page
Now comes the moment of truth! Hit your local web server, load up ajaxtest.html
, and see what you get. If everything is working properly, there will be a few moments’ delay, and then you’ll see a standard JavaScript alert like the one in Figure 2.2 that says simply ok.
Figure 2.2. Confirmation that your Ajax
class is working as expected
Now that all is well and our Ajax
class is functioning properly, it’s time to move to the next step.
Example: a Simple AJAX App
Okay, so using the awesome power of AJAX to spawn a tiny little JavaScript alert box that reads "ok"
is probably not exactly what you had in mind when you bought this book. Let’s implement some changes to our example code that will make this XMLHttpRequest stuff a little more useful. At the same time, we’ll create that simple monitoring application I mentioned at the start of this chapter. The app will ping a web site and report the time it takes to get a response back.
Laying the Foundations
We’ll start off with a simple HTML document that links to two JavaScript files: ajax.js
, which contains our library, and appmonitor1.js
, which will contain the code for our application.
Example 2.21. appmonitor1.html
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "">
<html >
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
<title>App Monitor</title>
<script type="text/javascript" src="ajax.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="appmonitor1.js"></script>
<div id="pollDiv"></div>
You’ll notice that there’s virtually no content in the body of the page — there’s just a single div
element. This is fairly typical of web apps that rely on AJAX functions. Often, much of the content of AJAX apps is created by JavaScript dynamically, so we usually see a lot less markup in the body of the page source than we would in a non-AJAX web application for which all the content was generated by the server. However, where AJAX is not an absolutely essential part of the application, a plain HTML version of the application should be provided.
We’ll begin our appmonitor1.js
file with some simple content that makes use of our Ajax
Example 2.22. appmonitor1.js (excerpt)
var start = 0;
var ajax = new Ajax();
var doPoll = function() [[
start = new Date();
start = start.getTime();
ajax.doGet('/fakeserver.php?start=' + start, showPoll);
window.onload = doPoll;
We’ll use the start variable to record the time at which each request starts — this figure will be used to calculate how long each request takes. We make start a global variable so that we don’t have to gum up the works of our Ajax
class with extra code for timing requests — we can set the value of start immediately before and after our calls to the Ajax
The ajax
variable simply holds an instance of our Ajax
The doPoll
function actually makes the HTTP requests using the Ajax
class. You should recognize the call to the doGet
method from our original test page.
Notice that we’ve added to the target URL a query string that has the start value as a parameter. We’re not actually going to use this value on the server; we’re just using it as a random value to deal with Internet Explorer’s overzealous caching. IE caches all GET
requests made with XMLHttpRequest
, and one way of disabling that “feature” is to append a random value into a query string. The milliseconds value in start can double as that random value. An alternative to this approach is to use the setRequestHeader
method of the XMLHttpRequest
class to set the If-Modified-Since
header on the request.
Finally, we kick everything off by attaching doPoll
to the window.onload
Handling the Result with showPoll
The second parameter we pass to doGet
tells the Ajax
class to pass responses to the function showPoll
. Here’s the code for that function:
Example 2.23. appmonitor1.js (excerpt)
var showPoll = function(str) [[
var pollResult = '';
var diff = 0;
var end = new Date();
if (str == 'ok') [[
end = end.getTime();
diff = (end - start) / 1000;
pollResult = 'Server response time: ' + diff + ' seconds';
]] else [[
pollResult = 'Request failed.';
var pollHand = setTimeout(doPoll, 15000);
This is all pretty simple: the function expects a single parameter, which should be the string ok
returned from fakeserver.php
if everything goes as expected. If the response is correct, the code does the quick calculations needed to figure out how long the response took, and creates a message that contains the result. It passes that message to pollResult for display.
In this very simple implementation, anything other than the expected response results in a fairly terse and unhelpful message: Request failed. We’ll make our handling of error conditions more robust when we upgrade this app in the next chapter.
Once pollResult
is set, it’s passed to the printResult
Example 2.24. appmonitor1.js (excerpt)
function printResult(str) [[
var pollDiv = document.getElementById('pollDiv');
if (pollDiv.firstChild) [[
The printResult
function displays the message that was sent from showPoll
inside the lone div
in the page.
Note the test in the code above, which is used to see whether our div
has any child nodes. This checks for the existence of any text nodes, which could include text that we added to this div
in previous iterations, or the text that was contained inside the div
in the page markup, and then removes them. If you don’t remove existing text nodes, the code will simply append the new result to the page as a new text node: you’ll display a long string of text to which more text is continually being appended.
Why Not Use innerHTML
You could simply update the innerHTML property of the div
, like so:
document.getElementById('pollDiv').innerHTML = str;
The innerHTML
property is not a web standard, but all the major browsers support it. And, as you can see from the fact that it’s a single line of code (as compared with the four lines needed for DOM methods), sometimes it’s just easier to use than the DOM methods. Neither way of displaying content on your page is inherently better.
In some cases, you may end up choosing a method based on the differences in rendering speeds of these two approaches (innerHTML
can be faster than DOM methods). In other cases, you may base your decision on the clarity of the code, or even on personal taste.
Starting the Process Over Again
Finally, showPoll
starts the entire process over by scheduling a call to the original doPoll
function in 15 seconds time using setTimeout
, as shown below:
Example 2.25. appmonitor1.js (excerpt)
var pollHand = setTimeout(doPoll, 15000);
The fact that the code continuously invokes the doPoll
function means that once the page loads, the HTTP requests polling the fakeserver.php
page will continue to do so until that page is closed. The pollHand
variable is the interval ID that allows you to keep track of the pending operation, and cancel it using clearTimeout
The first parameter of the setTimeout
call, doPoll
, is a pointer to the main function of the application; the second represents the length of time, in seconds, that must elapse between requests.
Full Example Code
Here’s all the code from our first trial run with this simple monitoring application.
Example 2.26. appmonitor1.js
var start = 0;
var ajax = new Ajax();
var doPoll = function() [[
start = new Date();
start = start.getTime();
ajax.doGet('/fakeserver.php?start=' + start, showPoll);
window.onload = doPoll;
var showPoll = function(str) [[
var pollResult = '';
var diff = 0;
var end = new Date();
if (str == 'ok') [[
end = end.getTime();
diff = (end - start)/1000;
pollResult = 'Server response time: ' + diff + ' seconds';
]] else [[
pollResult = 'Request failed.';
var pollHand = setTimeout(doPoll, 15000);
function printResult(str) [[
var pollDiv = document.getElementById('pollDiv');
if (pollDiv.firstChild) [[
In a bid to follow good software engineering principles, I’ve separated the JavaScript code from the markup, and put them in two different files.
I’ll be following a similar approach with all the example code for this book, separating each example’s markup, JavaScript code, and CSS into separate files. This little monitoring app is so basic that it has no CSS file. We’ll be adding a few styles to make it look nicer in the next chapter.
Running the App
Try loading the page in your browser. Drop it into your web server’s root directory, and open the page in your browser.
If the fakeserver.php
page is responding properly, you’ll see something like the display shown in Figure 2.3.
Figure 2.3. Running the simple monitoring application
Further Reading
Here are some online resources that will help you learn more about the techniques and concepts in this chapter.
JavaScript’s Object Model
- [35]
- [36]
Check out these two chapters on objects from the Client-Side JavaScript Guide for version 1.3 of JavaScript, hosted by Sun Microsystems. The first chapter explains all the basic concepts you need to understand how to work with objects in JavaScript. The second goes into more depth about JavaScript’s prototype-based inheritance model, allowing you to leverage more of the power of object-oriented coding with JavaScript.
This is a brief introduction [37] to creating private instance variables with JavaScript objects. It will help you get a deeper understanding of JavaScript’s prototype-based inheritance scheme.
Here’s a good reference page [38] from the Apple Developer Connection. It gives a nice overview of the XMLHttpRequest class, and a reference table of its methods and properties.
This article [39], originally posted in 2002, continues to be updated with new information. It includes information on making HEAD requests (instead of just GET or POST), as well as JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), and SOAP.
This is XULPlanet’s exhaustive reference [40] on the XMLHttpRequest
implementation in Firefox.
Here’s another nice overview [41], which also shows some of the lesser-used methods of the XMLHttpRequest
object, such as overrideMimeType
, setRequestHeader
, and getResponseHeader
. Again, this reference is focused on implementation in Firefox.
This is Microsoft’s documentation [42] on MSDN of its implementation of XMLHttpRequest
is at the heart of AJAX. It gives scripts within the browser the ability to make their own requests and get content from the server. The simple AJAX library we built in this chapter provided a solid understanding of how XMLHttpRequest
works, and that understanding will help you when things go wrong with your AJAX code (whether you’re using a library you’ve built yourself, or one of the many pre-built toolkits and libraries listed in Appendix A, AJAX Toolkits). The sample app we built in this chapter gave us a chance to dip our toes into the AJAX pool – now it’s time to dive in and learn to swim.
About This Article
This Article is excerpted from: “Build Your Own Ajax Web Applications” published by Melbourne-based SitePoint.
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