How to Rebuild Your Business’ Online Presence After COVID-19
A common theme that has emerged during the COVID-19 lockdown is how quickly many longstanding brick-and-mortar businesses have adapted their operations to fit the online world. With an up to 70 per cent increase in internet demand, Australians have also demonstrated their willingness to follow their preferred businesses and embrace online interactions.
So, how can businesses carry this best practice forward to maximise their opportunities and adjust their structure in a post COVID-19 world? Here are the top four considerations for your business to rebuild its online presence and remain an agile organisation.
1. Improve your SEO
Before cultivating digital resources, one of the most important factors for your business’ online success is its visibility. Even with the best website design and content, your business is missing a critical opportunity to interact with your customer-base if you aren’t visible. One of the simplest ways to build online visibility is an investment in Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).
Search engines are one of the most powerful traffic sources for your website in addition to your social media pages and online stores. Reviewing your sitemap, optimising your site for relevant keywords and increasing outbound links are all simple ways that you can positively impact your search results. An investment in regularly used search engines such as Google can go a long way in delivering longstanding results and amplifying your messaging.
2. Stay active online
Your business’ online presence hinges on its visibility, but your SEO goes hand-in-hand with the frequency of content being posted. This includes having a catalogue of content to ensure you are regularly posting across all your major platforms. From social media to your very own blog – without regular content, you cannot expect regular results.
Brick-and-mortar businesses have lost a lot of their traditional customer interactions, so it is crucial those who have pivoted to an online focus continue to carry these conversations forward to help fill the retail market gap.
3. Analyse and apply results
Something COVID-19 hasn’t changed is the story your data tells. Across the board, internet usage and web traffic has increased by up to 70 per cent, as consumers have become limited to online channels. But the data tells a deeper story – as consumer desires shifted so too did their habits, driving Facebook and Instagram’s live views to double in a week.
By understanding the motivations behind this – such as the desire for increased connection and personal interaction during lockdown – you’ll soon learn the needs of your customers and deliver content that is of value both to them and to your business. Most importantly though, this data allows you to identify and apply its outcomes to implement new tactics that will allow your online presence to continue to grow.
4. Reach customers through email
As consumers have shifted to purchasing mainly online, and desire pivoted to call for connection and community, email newsletters and campaigns should not be underestimated in their potential to grow your business online. With email marketers seeing a 5 per cent increase in newsletter opens and up to 20 per cent increase in click-throughs, a successful email strategy can meet the needs of your client-base as the pandemic subsides, while driving attention to your online assets for maximum exposure.
The takeaways
COVID-19 has presented a number of challenges to small businesses across the world, but it has also demonstrated their adaptability and inventiveness in the face of uncertainty. As restrictions gradually lift and turn to a more familiar brand of normalcy, businesses who apply their key learnings during the period by remaining active and committed online, will enjoy the most success in their online profile as we move forward.
Setting up your business for a bright future
With the restrictions in Australia easing slowly but surely, a return to some form of regular business operations is on the horizon. Whether your business is ready to return or you’re wondering what the best path forward is, Webcentral are ready to collaborate on your goals. With expert teams in SEO, PPC, Social, Design and Content – we can tailor a marketing strategy that works best for your business. Let’s build a bright future for your business. To get started, call us on 1300 663 995 or submit a message online.