Tis' the Season

Written on 11 November, 2015 by Nicole Wilson
Categories Search Engine Optimisation

‘Tis the Season

Some readers may peg this blog post as premature, but the Christmas rush is unpredictable and there’s no such thing as being too prepared. So, exactly what can you do for your business now to ensure conversions are maximised in time for Christmas? We’ll attempt to answer that question in today’s post, providing you with valuable insights and handy tips to assist you to make the most of the biggest day on retail calendar. Whether a special giveaway is the way to go or a more personalised user experience, we’ll do our best to provide you with advice on how to nail this Christmas for your online business.

Give the people giveaways, people love giveaways

There’s nothing quite as appealing as free or discounted products, period, but giveaways or discounts during Christmas are guaranteed to real your customers in; hook, line and sinker. Approach the situation logically, money is already tight during the holiday season to accommodate for gifts, family gatherings and various other Christmas expenses. A strong advertisement that endorses a limited giveaway or discount during the year’s most expensive season, will spark the interest of users acting as a catalyst for desired action.

Second only to cookies and milk

Customise your online storefront to cater to the festive atmosphere, and align your re-targeting to be cohesive with those efforts. Some people may pretend to ‘hate Christmas’, but even the Scrooges amongst us have a soft spot for that jolly ‘ol belly and big scruffy white beard. Think convenience. Offer to send out Christmas wrapping essentials with customer’s purchases like wrapping paper and twine for a small additional sum. Or why not offer to send out your products already wrapped to save them the time and effort it would take to do the wrapping themselves? It’s not exactly cookies and milk, however, people love those little touches that separate your business from competitors.

Uh-oh, we forgot Aunty Marg

We’ve all been there, shopping done and dusted, the living room floor barely visible underneath the abundance of wrapping paper, sticking tape, cards and twine. And then hits you like a Boxing Day hangover, you’ve forgotten Aunty Marg. You grab your phone, frantically typing her favourite crochet blanket website into the search bar. To your dismay the site isn’t mobile responsive, and the load time leaves much to be desired. “Why Aunty Marg, why?!?” you plead, fists clenched and palms sweaty. Truth be told, this is anyone but Aunty Marg’s fault. In an age where more traffic comes from mobile than any other device, even Aunty Marg’s favourite site should be on board by this point. Don’t let your slow and outdated website lead to abandoned carts.

You get SEO, you get SEO!

We’re feeling particularly generous this year, so to help you prepare your online business for Christmas we’re offering special festive deal! That’s right, we’re giving away one free month of SEO, Free conversion advice throughout the duration of your campaign and, 15% off your entire SEO campaign to sweeten the deal. No, we can’t offer complimentary wrapping, but you might find yourself a first page ranking under the tree this Christmas. Don’t miss out! Call us now on 1300 663 995. And don’t fret about poor Aunty Marg, we’re running a competition at the moment to go in the running for two tickets to an evening with Oprah. All you have to do is post an image of your favourite Oprah quote and hashtag #AnEveningWithWME.


Both your business and Aunty Marg will thank you.

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