Uber Launches UberEats: What it Means for Date-Nights and Hangovers Everywhere

Written on 26 August, 2015 by Webcentral
Categories Blog

Before we jump straight into talking about the latest app-craze making waves among techies and foodies alike, let’s first talk about its origins for those of you who obviously live under a rock. UberEats was launched by the lift sharing service Uber, whose road to success has not been without road bumps (see what we did there?). With Governments and Taxi services everywhere up in arms about the losses Uber has caused for them both, Uber enthusiasts can’t stop/won’t stop raving about the service. Why is this? Plenty of reasons really. Uber users claim that the service provides a cleaner, safer and more pleasurable ride and you get to pretend you’re a celebrity with your own personal chauffeur too – how cool is that?

Despite the road bumps Uber’s journey to success has been plagued by, financing just seems to keep rolling on in and Uber apps keep rolling out. Now with UberX, UberRush and UberMilitary among the brand’s branches, as well as various media stunts pulled (my personal favourite was the UberKittens promotion), is there really any point trying to guess what they’ll do next?

In a blog post released by Uber announcing the new service the company wrote “Uber is always looking for ways to use technology to get people connected to their world as quickly as possible…” Boasting that users will go “from hungry to happy in just 10 minutes…” A bold statement but hopefully one the service can deliver on. Even as an avid user, with court cases, lawsuits and even protests aimed at slowing them down; I was a little shocked when I heard the team behind Uber was launching a food delivery service. Entering a competitive market UberEats will eventually be competing against the likes of Delivery HeroGrubHub and Just-Eat.

So what does the launch of UberEats mean for date-nights and hangovers everywhere? For the time being for us Aussies, nothing. Yes – alas once again we are left to wait it out while UberEats makes its way around the U.S and wonder will the service ever make it to Aussies shores? Will I be able to eat that to-die-for Thai green curry from my favourite restaurant that only does eat-in or pick-up from the comfort of my own home in foreseeable future? I’m getting hungry just thinking about it.

While I ponder over a small coconut rice or large, let’s discuss what the cities lucky enough to already be reaping the tasty benefits of UberEats have to look forward to. Well for one it means the end for ruling out fancy restaurants that turn their noses up at takeaway for date-night. On the other side of the of spectrum McDonald’s in bed on a Sunday morning after a big Saturday night without having to venture further than the front door, count me in. Anyone got some U.S real estate insight..? No, I’m not really considering moving to the big ol’ U S of A anytime soon *sigh* a girl can dream.

New York dreams aside, as the Uber team continues to roll out UberEats in more and more U.S cities there seems to be two questions on everyone’s lips, will the service live up to all the hype? And Chinese or pizza?

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