Six tips for writing better mobile content

Written on 02 October, 2013 by Karen Lim-Sam
Categories Web Design & Content

With smartphone adoption rates in Australia among the highest in the world, consumers are viewing more content on mobile devices all the time. In fact, around 75%* of users say they’d prefer to visit a mobile-friendly website. But research~ has shown that it’s twice as hard to comprehend content on mobile platforms as on a regular computer. That has significant implications for the way you present your website for mobile use.

Here are six areas you can focus on to improve user experience and gain better results from your mobile website.

1. Use a responsive layout

Responsive layouts cleverly resize and reorganise themselves depending upon the platform they’re being viewed on. Publishing with software like the WordPress blogging platform gives your content the capability to adjust itself for an ideal reading experience regardless of the screen size.

2. Be concise

Content written specifically for mobile needs to be succinct and to the point. Avoid filler content and unnecessary stylistic elements. Don’t be afraid to cull anything that isn’t immediately getting your point across.

3. Use adequate spacing

Remember that on a smartphone there’s very little space, and links in text can be difficult to click accurately. If you’re presenting a list of links to other content, be sure to keep them well spaced out to allow for easy finger tapping.

4. Remember SEO

Around one in seven searches are now conducted on mobile devices, according to Google, while one in three mobile searches are local. So even though you’re working with less space, remember to include SEO elements and keywords, especially around your services and location. Make sure your contact details are prominent.

5. Order points be relevance

Mobile users have an even shorter attention span than desktop readers, so don’t hold off on your big reveal. Front load the main points or revelations of your post right into the intro to keep skimmers interested. If you’re making lists, put the most relevant items at the top.

6. Defer secondary content

If you have secondary items of interest in your content or perhaps blocks of information that support what you’re saying, create it as a second post and link to it in the original. That keeps your content light and easy to skim, while still providing readers the opportunity to dig deeper if they choose.

Mobile is no longer a second-class citizen when it comes to content consumption and may often be a customer’s first introduction to your site or business. By adhering to these guidelines you’ll make your content much more readable for mobile users and increase your audience engagement.

*Google Insights “What users want most from Mobile Sites today” September 2012 Nielson Norman Group “Mobile content is twice as difficult” November 2011

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