Boost Your Online Sales During Boxing Day

Written on 05 December, 2021 by Melissa Toh
Categories E-commerce Marketing Small Business

how to boost your boxing day sales

It’s all about preparation.

Every year in Australia, there is a flood of sales activity on the 26th December as people try to find their best Boxing Day sales deals. Increasingly we have seen more Boxing Day sales online, particularly as consumers become more accustomed to eCommerce.

It is essential to be well prepared for this time of year. There is a lot of noise as competitors clamour to post the best boxing day deals. To record your best Boxing Day sales ever, make sure you invest the time to plan your Boxing Day offers and communicate effectively with your customers.

6 Steps to Boosting Boxing Day Sales

  1. Create a compelling offer
  2. Optimise your content
  3. Email your customers
  4. Get social
  5. Create a sense of urgency
  6. Make buying easy

Boxing Day sales online promise to be massive

People are shopping online. In September 2021, Australia Post reported online purchases had increased by 27 per cent compared with September 2020, bringing the number of households who shopped online in the 12 months to 30 September to 9.2 million. They also reported that 79 per cent of shoppers expect to do their gift shopping online – a significant increase from 2019 when around half of their Christmas gifts were purchased online.

How to boost your Boxing Day sales

how to boost your boxing day sales

Get organised early to ensure your business gets its share of the Boxing Day shopping. There are several ways you can prepare to enjoy your best online Boxing Day sales season on record. Here are just a few tips to get you started:

Create a compelling offer

The overall success of your Boxing Day sales will be impacted by how good your offer is. Think about what has worked in the past. Consider the inventory that will be required to support that offer. Once you have determined a compelling proposition, make sure your customers can find it easily. Think about providing one landing page where they can see all your Boxing Day offers in one place. Create a landing page with all your Boxing Day offers.

Optimise your photos and descriptions

Make sure your descriptions and imagery are as compelling as your offer. As customers engage in Boxing Day shopping, they will be exposed to many messages, so your offer must be easy to use and persuasive at every point through the process.

Email your customers

Email customers with information on your best online Boxing Day sales deals. Make them feel valued by providing existing customers with privileges such as early access to those deals or free shipping.

Get social

Use your social media connections to build awareness of your Boxing Day shopping deals. Social media can also be used to transact your Boxing Day sales. Consider making your Instagram and Pinterest shoppable. Shoppable posts can redirect the visitor to your site or allow shopping within the social media platform.

Build excitement by creating a sense of urgency

build excitement by creating a sense of urgency boxing day

Think about including a countdown to the Boxing Day sales in your communications and website. Why not let customers know that stocks are running low on special Boxing Day sales items, with a “product remaining” counter. Anything you can do to create a feeling that a customer cannot wait to act will build your Boxing Day sales.

Make it easy for your customers

When planning for your Boxing Day sales, always consider the customer experience. Is your website loading fast enough? Can customers navigate from page to page in a timely and intuitive manner? Your customers have plenty of purchasing options on Boxing Day and will not wait.

Test your cart. Is your payment process working seamlessly, or will you confuse, frustrate and possibly lose customers at this final hurdle?

Now is the time to address any “clunkiness” in your website. Why not try our free website health checker? It’s a quick and convenient way to assess the performance of your website before the Boxing sales begin. If it’s a website hosting issue, we have hosting plans that can match your business needs.

Make sure you get your share of the Boxing Day sales bonanza

It looks like Boxing Day is shaping up to be a busy period for online sales. All your competitors will be doing their best to get your share of the Boxing Day shopping market. Stay in front by planning your approach with compelling offers and an online experience that is fast, seamless and convenient. If you need any support in getting the best out of the Boxing Day sales, from social media advertising to website design, we’re ready to help.

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