Webcentral Blog
Impulse Buying: The Psychology Behind Sales We’ve all had moments where we see something — through the shop windows, on our Instagram feed, on someone we walked past — and decide ‘I want that’. Especially when the desired item comes with a bright red tag stating it’s on sale. A survey conducted by Mood Media found that 62%... Read more
Brief History of Digital Marketing (1990-2020) A great digital marketing strategy has become the cornerstone of success for a lot of brands and businesses. We can trace the beginnings of this revolutionary form of customer engagement all the way back to the late 80s and early 90s. The history behind how we’ve come to engage in... Read more
Mind Your Own Business: How Mindfulness Practices Help the Workplace Beyond Blue’s research on the state of workplace mental health in Australia shows that only 52% of employees think their workplace is mentally healthy. The report estimates that untreated mental health conditions costs workplaces around 10.9 billion annually. This might explain the trend of workplaces gravitating towards mindfulness practices in the office.... Read more