Why every SME needs a content marketing strategy

Written on 21 February, 2013 by Webcentral
Categories Marketing Search Engine Optimisation Tags content online marketing small business

It may have taken a while to convince them, but companies of all sizes are now beginning to realise the huge boost an online presence can give them.

Being online in itself, however, isn’t enough – you need to make your brand a valuable asset. Spreading your message is vital, so no matter whether you plan to do this on your site, through social media or around the web in different ways, you need a content marketing strategy to make sure your work is effective.

Create a strategy for your content

Like any form of marketing, content marketing is important if you want to put yourself ahead. Without a strategy, though, it’s like taking shots in the dark. Many companies have been producing content on the web for years, which is commendable, but not all of those have had a direction, which means their efforts may have gone to waste.

Joe Pulizzi, founder of the Content Marketing Institute and a keynote speaker at Content Marketing World Sydney on March 4-6, says, “Marketing professionals from so many small and large businesses get so fixated on channels such as blogs, Facebook or Pinterest that they honestly have no clue of the underlying content strategy. So the why must come before the what. This seems obvious, but most marketers have no mission statement or core strategy behind the content they develop.”

Give your audience something they need

Getting inside the mind of your target audience is vital to knowing what they want and how they’re most likely to discover it. Many facets of the web are vital to content marketing, so while SEO can help your articles be found through search engines, there are quicker and more direct routes to unite the two.

You need to work out what your audience needs and what it can’t currently get and then find a way to help them reach it. The more you can do to fulfil their needs, the more you’re doing to promote your company in the right way.

The age of content marketing is well and truly here, so if you want to see your small business’s website earning higher organic traffic, as well as positioning yourself as a thought leader in your industry, it’s time to get a content marketing strategy in place.

By learning the basic principles of online business and how to use various online techniques, you can make decisions with confidence to achieve some phenomenal outcomes.

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